Chapter 11

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Sunday, 28th September 1976


Today was the first Hogsmede trip and Lily, Marlene and I were all very excited, to say the least.

We were all getting ready together, chatting about what we were going to do. I slipped on some simple jeans and a brown, knitted jumper, so that I wouldn't get cold in the chilly Autumn weather. Marlene however was wearing a short, black skirt with fishnet tights and a burgundy top. One thing about Marls is that she never let the weather ruin her outfits.

"We are meeting the lads in The Three Broomsticks, by the way." Marlene announced while putting black eyeliner on her waterline.

"The lads?" Lily and I questioned in unison.

"Unless that is going to be a problem for the both of you?" She raised an eyebrow at us.

"No no, not a problem," Lily started, checking herself over in the mirror, self consciously, "I think I might curl my hair, maybe."

"Why? Because James will be there?" Marlene teased, now applying a light amount of blush to her cheeks.

"No, don't be silly Marlene, I just feel like making a bit of an effort today, that's all." Lily very obviously lied, her face going as red as her hair.

"What about you, Soph?" Asked Marlene.

"What about me?" I questioned, tying my hair up into a high pony-tail.

"You're going to be fine with Sirius there?"

"Yeah, we agreed to have a fresh start so I should at least try to tolerate him." I shrugged and put on some light makeup.

The last couple of days, my life had been very quiet with no Sirius around. I mean, he hasn't disappeared or anything but I just hadn't seen him as much. Which was good, but still, it was weird.

We all made our way to breakfast and scoffed down our food, which earned us a lot of stares from our fellow Gryffindors and then started speed walking down the Great Hall so that we would be the first people in the shops.

As we were exiting, I noticed the marauders were all having their breakfast and I pinched Remus' toast from his hand as I walked past.

"Hey!" He protested and put his middle finger up at me.

I just winked at him and heard the rest of his friends all burst out into laughter as I left.


We arrived at Hogsmede and looked around all the shops for a few hours, spending a lot more money than we probably should have.

We we're currently in Honeydukes, looking at some Bertie Botts' Every Flavour Beans and when I noticed Marlene was quite distracted.

"Marls?" I questioned to the blonde in front of me and got no reply.

I looked in the direction she was staring and saw none other than Dorcas Meadowes, who was browsing for some sweets.

"Just go over and talk to her." Lily encouraged.

"Nope, absolutely not." Marlene declared, trying to walk away.

Lily and I both grabbed her arms and pulled her back towards us.

"Come on, you're Marlene McKinnon, you don't get nervous over some girl." I told her.

"Yes but this is different," Marlene started and stared longingly at Dorcas again, "What if she doesn't like me?"

"Marlene it's impossible not to like you," I beamed at her.

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