Chapter 4

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Saturday, 6th September 1976


After a long, hard week of lessons, home work and the infuriating, Sirius Orion Black. It was finally the weekend. Not only that but today was quidditch practice. When I was soaring through the air on a broomstick was the only time I ever truly felt like myself.

I woke up in an empty dorm, realising that Marlene and Lily must have let me sleep in. That was a first. It was 8 o'clock so I had a whole hour until practice.

I quickly hopped in the shower and then got dressed into some simple jeans and a brown jumper. I then walked down to the Great Hall.

I arrived and walked up to where Lily and Marlene were sitting. Marlene seemed to be very distracted by something.

"Marlene, what are you staring-" I started and then peered in the direction she was looking.

"Ohhh," I realised what, or rather who she was staring at.

Dorcas Meadowes, a small, Slytherin girl in the same year as us. She had gorgeous, afro hair that was always up in a neat ponytail. Dorcas was the sweetest Slytherin I'd ever met. I'd only ever had a handful of conversations with her but she seemed like a lovely girl.

Throughout the years, Marlene has been open to everyone about her sexuality. Most people were very supportive but, unfortunately some were not. I knew that people's judgement got to her sometimes but she masked her emotions with her normal confident facade.

Although she knew Marlene could handle herself, Lily still took the chance to hex anybody that made unfriendly comments to her.

I clicked my fingers in front of Marlene's face, snapping her out of her trance.

"You alright there, Marlene?" Lily asked, smirking at the embarrassed looking Marlene.

"Fine," She quietly replied, looking down at her cereal and blushing slightly, which was very unlike me her.

We both giggled at her. When Marls had a crush she became a different person, her confidence dropped and she became a stuttering mess.

"Come on Marls, we've got quidditch practice," I said, and dragging Marlene from off her seat.

We arrived at the changing rooms and Lily went up to the quidditch stands. She was never a big quidditch fan but she always came to watch and support Marlene and I. Whether it a real match, or just training, she was always there cheering us on.

James had deluded himself into thinking that it was him she always came to watch. I never bothered to correct him.

We all got dressed quite quickly, there was only 3 of us as the subs weren't invited to this practice.

"So, did you hear about the incident between the two seventh years and Madam Pince," Hannah Collins, a black haired girl who the keeper on our team asked Marlene.

Marlene gasped as she said, "No? Wait what? What happened?"

Typical Marlene, she could never say no to gossip, bless her.

"Well, they were found in a very comprising position in the library, if you know what I mean," she explained, grinning like a cheshire cat.

"No way!" Marlene gasped, leaning in eagerly, "Tell me more,"

I had already heard about this so I just left and waited outside by the quidditch stands, daydreaming about the next match we had.

I was just minding my business when, just my luck, who comes out of the boys changing rooms? Sirius Black. That's who.

I quickly darted behind the wooden quidditch stand, praying he didn't see me.

After a minute of hiding I decided I was going to peak around the corner to see if he had gone.

I slowly turn my head around to see that he was standing against the wooden pillar, arms folded and staring right at me.

"Hiding are we now, love?" he asks, smirking, obviously very happy that he caught me.

For Merlin's sake! He always had to show up everywhere I was. I mean to be honest it wasn't his fault, we were on the same quidditch team so I kinda had to see him, but still.

"Yes Black, yes I was hiding from you because I am not in the mood to talk to you right now. You know what? I'm never in the mood to talk to you so it would be much appreciated if you would go away, thank you very much," I retorted, crossing my arms and glaring at him.

He just barked a laugh and said, "As much as I loved that cute little speech, I think I'm going to stay here,"

I groaned and started walking away, much to my dismay he just followed me like a lost puppy.

"Why, Black? Why can't you just stop annoying me for once?" I asked, half out of anger and half out of genuine curiosity.

"That's no way to talk to your future boyfriend," He stated, bluntly.

The cheek of this guy.

"Future husband?" I questioned turning around, facing him, to see him nodding eagerly.

"Future boyfriend, my arse. Only in your dreams will we be friends, let alone in a relationship. And besides, didn't you have your tongue down some girls throat just the other day?" I sassed.

Blacks' smirk grew even bigger as he said, "You jealous, darling?"

"You- I- Me? Jealous? No! I hate you, Black!" I practically shouted, scowling up at him.

I was slightly taken back by his comment. Of course I wasn't fucking jealous. He disgusted me. The way he treated women, the way he disregarded others and most of all the way he never passed on an opportunity to get on my nerves.

"Sureee..." he said, moving closer and running a hand through his hair for probably then 1000th time today.

Before he could do anything else James called out, "Oi, Parker, Black. Stop flirting and get over here!"

My jaw dropped and I turned around to see the whole quidditch team was laughing at us. Even Marlene. What a traitor!

Sirius wiggled his eyebrows at me and just said, "Sorry Jamesy, it won't happen again."

"Fuck you," Is all I could come up with.

"You wish," he replied, winking and jogging over to James.

I walked over with him and I said, "No, no. There was no flirting of any kind going on there."

I didn't want the whole Gryffindor quidditch team thinking I was another one of Blacks' hoes.

"Yeah, right Parker," James said, sarcastically and then his face went dead serious, "Now can we get onto the actual quidditch, please?"

"Yes," I said, sheepishly, my face turning pink.

Hey, don't judge me. Quidditch James is scary.

I looked beside me to see Marlene with her eyebrows raised, grinning at me in mockery.

"Shut up," I said as we all took off on our brooms and got into our positions.

James was seeker, two boys called Elliot Miller and Thomas Anderson and I as chasers, Marlene and Sirius as beaters and Hannah Collins as keeper.

Half way through training, I looked up at the stands, wondering if Lily was bored yet and saw her talking to a cute boy with dirty blonde hair.

Go get em, Lils! I would have to torment her about that later.

After James put us all through two whole hours of intense training, it was safe to say my muscles hurt like a bitch.


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