Chapter 9

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Monday, 22nd September 1976


I was sat in the Great Hall sulking about my detention tonight. There was so many better things I could be doing with my time but I had to spend an hour with McGonagall.

I heard a chuckle from beside me, "I don't think I've ever seen you this grumpy," My red-headed best friend grinned at me cheekily.

"Yeah Soph, you look like Sirius when he saw you and Jack getting all cosy," Marlene joined in, which made me look over at the Ravenclaw table.

I saw Jack laughing with all of his friends. I hadn't spoken to him since our date. Don't get me wrong he's a great guy but he was just a bit boring. Something was off about our date, I mean, I knew the guy for a day and he was very touchy.

I turned back to my friends, who were still laughing and grumpily mumbled, "Shut up."

They both just laughed even more, until it came to an abrupt stop.

"For Merlin's sake!" Lily exclaimed and folded her arms, staring at the four marauders that were headed towards us.

"Evening, ladies." James strolled along confidently and squeezed himself in between Lily and I on the bench while Sirius sat on the other side of me so I was sandwiched between them both.

Meanwhile, Remus and Peter sat with Marlene and started up a friendly conversation with her. Marlene had a weird friendship with the marauders, unlike Lily and I, she actually liked them. Some times she would even help them with their pranks, which usually got her into a lot of trouble.

"Piss off, James." Lily argued, scowling at him and taking another bite of her roast potato that was on her plate.

"As much as I love you, my Lily-Flower," James started and then turned to me with a cheeky grin on his face grin on his face, "We are here to pick up Miss Parker."

"What?" I questioned, trying to ignore Sirius' presence beside me. He was very close, I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"Well, unfortunately, Padfoot and I may have accidentally hexed Snivellus in the corridor, not realising Minnie was right there and landed ourselves in detention with you." James explained, while holding up one of the silver spoons and sorting his messy, dark hair out in the reflection.

I used to despise James Potter, but recently I had been warming up to him a little bit. Over the past few weeks I had realised that he was actually quite funny. I had also noticed that Lily didn't call him an arrogant toe-rag as much anymore, which James took as progress.

"So I am stuck with you two for an hour?" I asked them.

They both nodded at me.

"You've been awfully quiet," I turned to Sirius and he ran a hand through his hair, "Aren't you going to ask me out or something?"

"I know when I've been beat." He stated bluntly and nodded over to where Jack was sat.

Beat? It's not exactly like Jack and I are very serious, but alas, if it gets Black to stop annoying me then whatever.

"Right," I acknowledged and stood up from my seat, heading to detention.

They both just followed behind me. I got a lot of stares as I was walking to the exit of the Great Hall, which was understandable because it was quite unusual to see James and Sirius with anyone else but each other or the rest of the marauders.

"Stop following me." I called out to them both, who were still right behind me.

"We're not following you, we're going to the same place, love." Sirius called back, calmly.

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