Chapter 10

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Friday, 26th September 1976


"He better say sorry to me because there is no way in hell that I will apologise to him, you should have heard how ridiculous he was being!" We were all sat in Potions waiting for Professor Slughorn to arrive and I was ranting to Lily, Marlene and Remus, who all had very bored expressions on their faces. They weren't even looking at me.

"And then he bent me over the desk and fucked me."I said in a monotone voice, to see if they were listening.

"What a prick." Marlene said, not bothering to hide the fact that she wasn't paying attention, trying to peel off her black and white nail polish before Slughorn could see it.

"GUYS!" I tapped my wand twice, very loudly, on the table to get their attention.

All three of them looked up at me with matching puzzled expressions.

"I'm sorry, Soph, but we've heard this story a million times before. You're right, Sirius is wrong, he's a stupid, arrogant idiot, is that about right?" Lily asked, rhetorically, folding her arms, raising an eyebrow at me and giving me the "mum" look.

"Yeah, you need to sort it out with him, I don't know how much more of your rambling I can take." Marlene agreed.

I just huffed at them in response. I wasn't that bad, was I?

"I know how you guys feel," Remus started, leaning back in his chair and wincing, only slightly but enough for me to notice. He was hurt, again. How did this keep happening?

"Sirius never shuts up about it." He continued.

"Oh?" I asked, perking up slightly at this, wondering what Black had to say about the argument.

"Yeah, he was quite upset about it, you know. He's made up this whole "plan"."

"Upset? Plan?" I questioned further.

"You'll see." He winked at me, with a knowing look on his face.

As if he could sense we were talking about him, Black strode into the potions classroom howling in laughter with James and Peter laughing just as loud, right behind him. They all sat down on the table near us and started chucking scrunched up balls of parchment around the room.

I gave Remus a look as if to say, "He doesn't look very upset."

Sirius hadn't even looked my way. I turned back around before he could catch me staring and noticed Lily peering over at James every few seconds.

Black looked so unaffected and I would never admit it out loud but it bothered me.

Seconds later, Slughorn finally arrived, running and tripping slightly, very out of breath.

"Apologies, sixth years," He said, his chubby cheeks red as a tomato, gasping for air and I heard Marlene laugh quietly. "Right, get into your assigned partners and turn to page 264 of your textbooks, we will be brewing a simple dizziness draught today. Oh, and also, I would like to remind you all that Sunday next week is the first Hogsmede trip so please hand your permission slips in by then."

I always loved Hogsmede trips. Lily, Marlene and I would always visit every single shop and buy a lot more than we should and then end our day with a butter beer at The Three Broomsticks. Madam Rosmerta would always give us free drinks, that was one the perks of being on her good side.

I noticed everyone around me starting to move and realised that they were all going with their partners. I unwillingly walked over and sat myself on the stool next to Black.

"Hello." The deep voice from beside me greeted.

"Hello?" I repeated, looking up at him with a mixture of confusion and annoyance on my face. He had avoided me for days and was now just casually talking to me?

"I'm Sirius Black." He held a hand out for me to shake.

"What on earth are you playing at, Black?" I spat, even more annoyed and confused than before.

He blinked at me and gave me a friendly smile, flashing his stunning set of teeth. No smirk, no comments, was this even Sirius Black?

"I'm introducing myself." He explained, shrugging at me as if i hadn't known him for five years.

"Yes, I can see that, but why?" I questioned, glaring up at him.

"Well, you don't like me, correct?" He asked, leaning against the table and spinning his wand between his fingers.

"Correct." I confirmed, wondering if this was the "plan" Remus was talking about.

"So, I think we should have a fresh start. I promise to stop asking you out and will not annoy you from now on. You see, I've taken time to think about it and have come to the conclusion that I've gotten no where trying to get you to like me romantically these past years so I just want us to try and get along, be friends even. For everyone's sake."

This took a few seconds to process in my head. I was shocked to say the least, no more Sirius Black infuriating me? A dream come true. But getting along, being friends even, was such a foreign thought to me. It made sense though, with Lily and James slowly becoming close and Marlene being good friends with all the Marauders, the only thing stopping us all from being friends was me and my dislike towards Sirius.

"So? What do you say?" Sirius extended his hand again, his grey eyes staring into my green ones.

"Fine." I agreed and shook his hand, firmly.

I couldn't help but wonder how this was going to play out, I guess we will see.


Authors Note: Hey whoever is reading this, sorry I haven't updated in a while but more chapters will be coming soon.

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