Chapter 18

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I woke up with Dame's arms wrapped around me. It feels so amazing to sleep in his arms. As much as I want to stay in his arm, I have to go to work.

I tried moving his arms, but they only tightened around me. "Dame?" I whispered. When he didn't respond, I started poking his face until he woke up.  He let out a groan. "Stop" he said whinning. "I won't until you let go of me. I have to go to work."

"No. Don't leave me." He started to go back to sleep.  I gave him small kisses from his neck to his jaw.  "Keep that up and you not going anywhere" he said as his hand moved down to my butt, squeezing it.

"Dame, move. I have to get ready for work."  "Fine" he groaned.  I got out of bed and got ready for work.

"Goodmorning K" I said as I walked into work. "Morning V" Kym was sitting at the desk looking at our schedule for today.  "How's today looking?"  "It won't pick up until after one.  By the way, that new stylist is coming today.  I looked at some of her work and she is good."  "Thats great, because we need another stylist"

While I finished my last client for the morning, I joined Kym in the interview.  I was not prepared for what I saw when I walked in.  More like who I saw when I walked in.

There, sitting there in black jeans and red top, was Maya AKA my ex best friend.  Her eyes widened in shock when she saw me.  "Vanessa, this is Maya. Maya, this is Vanessa"

She held her hand out to shake. I shake it as a form of a somewhat friendly gesture. "So, do you have experience?"  "I worked for my aunt in her shop, but she didn't let me do much." "Well, I looked through your portfolio and you're good, but you still have to work your way up."

"Wait, does this mean I'm hired?" Maya asked getting excited. "I think it would be a great idea. What do you think Nessa?" Kym asked looking at me.  I saw that Maya started to look a little nervous.

Do I really want to hire her? I mean, I obviously couldn't trust her then, so how do I know if I could trust her with our business now? But she is pretty good though. Oh what the hell...

"Welcome to the team."

I was walking down the hallway when I heard a voice behind me say "Vanessa wait!"  I turned and saw Maya walking toward me.

"Hey" "Hey" I said confused. "I have to be honest. I didn't think you would hire me after...what happened." 

"Listen, I hired you because I know you will be great for our shop. It didn't make it personal. If it was personal, you would have never made it past the front door. Also, don't take me hiring you as a sign of forgiveness cause its not.  I am still pissed at you and you have to work really hard to gain a fraction of the trust I used to have in you.  You start tomorrow" I walked away.

"So how was work?" Dame asked as I poured some juice. "Good I guess" "you guess?"  "Yea, if you count seeing your ex best friend for the first time in over a year a good thing."

"Wait, Maya showed up?"  "Yea.  Apparently, Kym thought she would be a great addition to the shop."

"Well, did you hire her?" he asked.  "Of course I did because I agree with Kym. She would be great. I just don't know how I could see her almost everyday after what she did." 

"You never know, you may become friends again."  I looked at him before busting out laughing.  He is so funny.  I realized he wasn't joking when he wasn't laughing with me. "Oh, you were serious."

"I'm serious.  You should at least try to let go of that grudge."

Then, the doorbell rang. "That must be the pizza" I said going to answer the door. "Just try giving her a chance."

"I'll think about it."  I opened the door expecting the pizza guy, only to see it wasn't the pizza guy.  It was someone I definitly didn't expect to see.


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