Chapter 10

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I woke up to the sound of a basketball hitting the concrete.  I looked out the window and saw Dame playing a game with another guy. I wanna play.  I changed into my red half top, black basketball shorts, and black and white Nikes.

I walked outside and watched their game. They were playing horse.  Now I definetly want to play.  "Hey, can I play?" Dame looked at me and smiled. "Hey sleepyhead. Sure you can." "Dame, who is this?" one of the guys asked looking at me. "This is Vanessa. Vanessa this is my cousin Chris." "Damn Dame. You wasn't kidding" Chris said looking me up and down with lust in his eyes like he was undressing me with his eyes.  He was looking at me like my brother looked at a piece of bacon. It was...unconfortable. "Okay.." I said slowly. "Pass me the ball."


"You mad or nah?" I was too hype. I just beat them. "Nah" they said in unison. I walked over to Dame. "Its ok. You might win the next one. Unless its against me of course." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Wait, where's my kiss at?" Chris asked. "Boy, I don't know you like that." "Well maybe you can get to know me like that." That was when he got close to me, too close.  I'm not gonna lie, Chris is kinda cute. He has too much ego for me though. "I'm gonna go change." I walked in the house quickly. 


I watched as Vanessa walked back into the house.  "Damn Dame. You wasn't kidding. She is too sexy." Chris can't like her. I don't want her to get hurt because I know what he does to girls. Not to mention I like her. "Did you hit yet?" he asked me. "No. We are just friends." "So you won't mind if I try to get with her then?"  Actually I would mind. But I know she wouldn't fall so easily. It might be fun to watch. "Nah. Good luck tho.  She not like the other chicks you be with." I watched as he walked in the house.


I grabbed a bottle of water and drank it. That game was pretty fun. But I swear Chris took every chance he had to touch me.  It was ok but after a while it got annoying.

I walked back to Dame's room to change. I closed the door behind me to change out of my sweaty clothes. Then I heard the door open and close. Chris was standing behind me. "Can I help you?" I asked putting my hands on my hips. He didn't say anything. He just walked closer to me, looking me up and down slowly and licking his lips. That uncomfortable feeling was back.  Now he was getting to close to me. I backed up a little but was stopped by the bed.

He grabbed me by my waist and kissed me.  It wasn't even one of those nice kisses.  It was really sloppy with too much tongue.  "What the hell?!?!" I said pushing him away. "What? You know you liked that" he smiling smugly. I was ready to slap that smile off his face. "First of all, no I didn't like that kiss. Second of all, what the hell is wrong with you? Who just kisses someone they just met? I mean, damn, at least take me on a date first. Actually two dates first." "Other girls would-" "Let me stop you right there. I'm not 'other girls'. Now please get out of here so I can change."  "Or I could stay and help you." "Bye!" I pushed him out of the room and closed the door in his face.

After changing, I went into the living room. Damian was sitting on the couch watching the tv. "Hey, is Chris gone?" "Yea. He left a few minutes ago." "Oh thank god" I said plopping down on the couch next to him. I put my legs across on his lap.  "What's wrong with Chris?" "A lot of things."

Michelle walked into the room and sat down on the couch across from us. "Hey guys. What are you talking about?" "Vans was about to tell me why she don't like Chris." "I don't really like him either. He's annoying." "Thank you! Someone who understands." "What makes him annoying?" he asked me.

"Well, during our game, he took every opportunity he had to touch me. Which wasn't necessary since we were playing horse. He looks at me as if I was food he was about to dive into. He kissed me-" "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold up. He kissed you?!?!?" he said getting mad. Why is he so upset? Its not like I'm his girlfriend or anything. "Yea. Anyway, he compared me to the other chicks he be with. He is too damn annoying."

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