Chapter 7

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"Hey Dame, I have a great idea for a birthday present for Georgia."  Georgia' birthday is this sunday and I wanted to do something special for her.  "How about I let her meet you and the team?" "That is a great idea. But how are you gonna do that? You know that we are busy before the game so we can't come to your house." "You won't be coming to us. I'll bring her to you." "Huh?" "I already bought courtside tickets to the game-" "I could've got you tickets" he interruped. "I got them before I met you. Anyway, before the game I can bring her to the locker room to meet you and the team. If thats ok of course." "I'm sure it will. I'll ask around. That's a really great idea." "Thanks. I wanted to see what you thought about it before I did any planning. When are you coming back? I miss you." I said. "I miss you too. I'll be back Friday." I can hear the smile in his voice. "Cool. Then we can hangout. I've been so bored." We talked for a while longer before he had to go. I can't wait for Georgia to see her surprise.  It will be great to finally tell her about everything that happened during the past few weeks. I really need to talk to her about Dame. I really like him, but I don't know how to tell him. What if he doesn't like me that way? I don't want to ruin our friendship. Damn. It feels like I'm in high school again.  Georgia peeked her head into my room.  "Do you want to go shopping? I need a dress for this party I have to do to." "Sure. Give me thirty minutes" I quickly showered and got dressed.


"How about this one?" "That looks like a dress you would wear to the club." "I don't know what I want!" She said frustrated.  "Speaking of not knowing what you want, what do you want for your birthday?" "I want Usher to perform for me." "Girl, I do hair for a living; I'm not a doctor. I don't that make that much.  Something I can actually get for you." "You know what I like."

   I narrowed my eyes at her. "That don't help me." "I don't know. Clothes, jewelry, stuff like that."  "Fine."  I need a way to ask her about Dame. "So, I need your advice."  Georgia looked me, eyebrows raised. "So, my friend likes this guy. But he is a good friend of her and doesn't want to ruin their friendship. What should she do?" "Are you sure this isn't about you?" "No. So, what do you think?" "That's easy. Just tell him." she says. "Not everyone is as bold as you." "Fine. Try dropping little hints. Spend time with him more. If you want to see how he feels about you, watch how he acts around you. Learn how to read body language." Awesome advice from an awesome friend. "So, who is this 'friend'?" It's like she knows I'm asking for me. Luckily, her phone rang and she turned to answer it.  A while after that, my phone rang.  It was Wesley.

V:Hey Wes. What's up?

W: Nothin much....just getting back in town.

V:Really?!? I thought you guys weren't supposed to be back until Friday.

W:We came back early. By the way nice shoes.

V:Thanks! I got them a few weeks ago and-wait, how can you see my shoes?

W: Turn around.

  I turn to see him, smiling and waving at me in the Nike Store. "Georgia, I'm going to the Nike Store real quick." "Ok. I'll meet you at the food court."

  I walk into the store and Wes pulls me into a tight hug. "Hey Vans. I missed you." "I missed you too but...Wes...can't...breathe." "Oh sorry." He lets go and air quickly fills my lungs. "Hey, how do these look?" Robin Lopez (yes, Robin Lopez) asks.  "They look amazing. I would get them if I were you." I said, taking one of the shoes from him. "Thanks.....who are you?" he said, slowly taking the shoe and looking at me weirdly.  Then he looked at Wes as if asking "who is this weird chick?"

   "This is Vanessa. Vanessa, this is Robin but I'm sure you knew that."  "So this is the girl Dame is always talking about?" Robin said, looking at me smiling.  "Why do you guys keep saying that?" "Because he does!" They both say simultaniously. I cross my arms. "Then what does he say?" "Sorry, can't tell you. It goes against teammate code." said Wes. "Don't forget bro code" Robin added. "And possibly guy code."  "Don't forget, it goes against friend code to not tell me what another person said about me." Robin looks at Wes. "She has a point." "Think about it. If I don't tell you, since I don't see you that much, there is a small chance of you torturing me into telling you. But if I tell you and Dame finds out, since I see him almost all the time and he lives by me, there is a higher chance of him killing me. He is from Oakland, he don't play. Do you want me to die?"

  I laughed. "I have to meet my friend in the food court." "Your friend Georgia, right? The one that doesn't know you know us, and the one your bringing to the game sunday?" Wes said. "What has he not told you?" "That he likes you. We have been waiting for that for a while now." Robin said.  "Do you like him?" They both look at me expectantly. "I got to go." "So you do like him?" Wes asked. "Bye guys." I said, waving at them as I left.

  I walked to the food court and saw Georgia already eating. "About time. What took you so long?" "I was only gone a few minutes." "It felt like-" All of a sudden her eyes got wide, looking behind me. ""  I turn around and see Wesley and Robin walk into the food court. Well, this just got interesting (not for me, of course).

   "I have to find something for them to sign" she said, frantically rummaging through her purse. I quickly text Wes.

V:Me and my friend are about to come to u guys  act like we never met  same thing for Robin

   I turned to see if he got it. He was looking around for me, and when his eyes landed on me, he nodded. "I found something. Let's go." She got up and walk toward their table with me following closely behind her.  "Hey. I'm Georgia. I'm a huge fan of both of you. Can I get your autograph and maybe a picture?" "Sure." Wes was in the middle of signing when he asked "So, who's your friend?" I rolled my eyes, but Georgia didn't notice. "This is Vanessa." "Have we met before? You look familiar." Wes said. I narrowed my eyes at him, and he chuckled a little. After getting autographs and pictures, we left the mall. "I can't believe that I met them.  I just wish Damian Lillard and Lamarcus Aldrige was there. That would have been an amazing picture." "I'm surprised how calm you were." "I was freaking out on the inside." "What would you do if you met the whole team?" "I would probably faint."  If she would faint, maybe she shouldn't meet the team. But then I would have to figure out a different way to tell her. And that's a lot of work. "Would you really faint?" "No, but I would feel like I would." I sighed in relief. I text Wesley.

V:I'm starting to question why I'm friends with you.

W:Is because im so good looking?

V: No thats not it

W:Is it because im fun?

V:...maybe :)

When we got home, I went straight to my room. I have to make sure the surprise goes smoothly. I have to tell my best friend that I'm friends with some of her favorite players in the NBA, and that I kept it a secret from her. No pressure.

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