Chapter 19

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What is going on?  Is today 'everyone from my past reappears' day?  Who next, the girl from high school that hated me for literally no reason?

"Davon, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked confused.  Why was he here?

"You weren't answering my calls or texts-" "With good reason, now what are you doing here? And if I remember correctly, I told you to delete my number"  I tried to keep my voice down or Dame would hear me and the last thing I need is those two fighting.

"I want you back"  I let out a light chuckle.  "I'm sorry. I don't know why you thought that after I caught you cheating on me with my best friend that I would give you a second chance."  "Can we at least just talk?"

"What is there to talk about?  You told me you loved me and my dumbass believed you while you was fucking my best friend.  There is nothing else to say."

"Please?" he said almost begging.

I guess since I am going to try to make peace with Maya, its only fair I do the same for him, even though I don't want to.  Why do I have to be so damn nice?

"Fine, meet me at Shelly's tomorrow at 2. Don't be late."

I walked back to Dame in the living room.  "Where's the pizza?" he asked confused.  "Aparently everyone who hurt me from my past wants to reappear"  I plopped down on the couch next to him.

"Who? Maya?" "Nope. I can deal with her and she know better than to just show up here. Davon was there."

I saw him tense up.  "Davon? Your ex? What was he doing here?"  "Well, after months of ignoring his phone calls and texts, he decided to come see me in person."

"Well, what did he want?"  "He wants to talk."  "And you agreed, didn't you?"

"Yeah.  I figured that if I was going to try to make peace with Maya, I might as well try with him too."

"I don't think this is a good idea" he said.  I moved closer to him and sat on his lap.  "If you are worried that I might go back to him, you are worrying for nothing."

"I wasn't worried" he said smirking. I rolled my eyes and kissed him. "Alright, lets eat the pizza. I'm starving."

"You're always hungry" he said laughing.  "Okay, and?"

The next day, I walked into Shelly's and saw Davon sitting in the back.  Once he saw me, he stood up to greet me.  "Hey" he said bending down to hug me. 

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked, already knowing the answer.  "Listen, I just want to tell you how sorry I am about all that happened.  I regret it everyday and I beat myself up over the fact that I lost the best thing of my life because I was immature and stupid" 

"Yeah you kinda was"

"I know I don't deserve your forgiveness and I wouldn't blame you if you never want to see me ever again, but I want you to know that I am very sorry."

I could tell that he was very sincere and even though he broke my heart, I still care about him.

Not enough to leave Damian for him.  That would be crazy.

"Listen, you really broke my heart. But, I really feel like we need to put this behind us. So, I forgive you."

He gave me a big smile.  "Thank you. I thought you was gonna hate me forever."  "Oh please, you know I could never truly hate anyone, except Erica of course.  I just strongly disliked you."

We ended up talking a while longer.  I found myself laughing along with him about different stuff.  I actually forgot that we were actually friends before we dated.

"So, there is a chance we can get back together?"

"Hell no, but we can be sorta friends. Its gonna take a lot for us to get back to how our relationship was before we dated"

"Ok, I'll take that. At least I have you back in my life." he said smiling at me.

"Hey, I brought food" Damian said holding up a bag of chinese food.  "Marry me" I said taking the bag from him, taking out the food.

"That's the plan.  How did your talk with Davon go?"  "Surprisingly well.  We are friends again. Well, sorta friends. I realized its not healthy for me to hold grudges."

"So, does that mean you will try to make things right with Maya?"  "Yeah but it will take a lot more than I'm sorry to fix that.  This is someone who was like a sister to me and to have her stab me in the back is painful."

"You can at least give her a chance and if it doesn't work out, then at least you tried."

"When the hell did you get so wise? Anyway, whats been going on with you?"

"Nothin much.  Normal basketball stuff.  Wesley is still his annoying self.  We have a road trip coming up" "Aww, so I won't see you for almost a week?"

He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around his waist.  "I'm sorry babe" he said resting his forehead on mine. "Its fine. Its all a part of the job right.  This just means when you come back, we can catch up"

"Oh really? What are we gonna do?"  his eyebrow raised.  "Just....things. Things we will both enjoy" I said running my finger down his chest.  "Oh really?  I like the sound of that."

I lean up to whisper in his ear.  "Oh yeah, you're gonna walk in and I will help you undress and get comfortable on the couch and then..."

His breathing quicked.  "And then what?" I love messing with him like this.

"Then....we will play 2K" I walked into the living room, leaving him in the kitchen.  "That is not what I had in mind."

"I know" I said smirking.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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