Chapter Eight

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3rd Person POV

Y/Ns body ached, it was a pain that no dragon on Pyhirria should have to go through. She will never recover from this trauma. Only if a certain someone with a strong enough power and a good reason to could help her. Perhaps she might have already met him...

Your POV

I heard Clay. I tried to talk to him but it didn't work, I need help. I also tried the guardians but of course that didnt work, I also tried the other dragonets when they came and talked to me. But that didnt work, someone wasnt letting me speak. I need help to break out of this. This curse, this spell, I need to stop whoever is doing this to me. Or am I doing it to myself? I need to get out of this little 'sleep' that I am in. I want to get out...
I need to get out! I heard muffled voices around me, they where soft and sweet, I've never heard them before.
"Wake up." The little voice said, it wasn't Sunnys voice it was a dragonets! I made it out to be a girls.
"Pleaseeeeeeeee." Another dragon voice pleaded. This dragonet sounded similar to Starflight, but it wasn't. I made this voice out to be a boys.
"You need to wake up, otherwise we will tell daddy." The girl dragonet said.
"Yeah! He'll get mad, probably." The boy dragonet added.
'Did I just get called mummy?' I asked myself. I slowly opened my green eyes, it took me a minute to adjust to my surroundings. I wasn't under the mountain anymore, there was no rocky walls, no hard ground, but what I saw was heaven. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! The sky was a clear light blue, the sun shined brightly, but it wasn't to hot. The grass was all healthy and green it was so soft! It was so nice to lay on. I looked at the dragonets that stood infront of me. They had to be around one year old by the looks of them. The girl dragonet had black scales, white horns and Talons, dark blue eyes, and a light grey underbelly and Wings. She had Gills on her neck. She had a Nightwing type body, like Starflights. The boy dragonet looked the complete opposite, he had, white scales, black horns and Talons, red eyes, and a dark grey underbelly and Wings. He had a Icewing type body, like mine. He didnt hsve gills on his neck. They looked pretty cute.
"Sorry, I just fell asleep, I told them." I tried to act like everything was normal, but it wasn't. I don't even know know who they are!
"That's ok, we just got worried." Another girl dragonet said, as she walked up to me, she looked around one year old as well. She had a quite odd appearance, she had black and white scales, with dark blue horns and Talons, green eyes, and a dark green almost black underbelly and Wings. She had no Gills, she had a Nightwing type body, like Starflights.
"Sorry to make you worry." I replied.
'I have no idea what going on!' I felt something rubbing against my front leg, I looked down, it almost made me jump. But it was just another dragonet. It was a boy. He looked quite diffrent to the others, he had green scales, black horns, white Talons, light blue eyes, a white underbelly, and black wings. He had a Seawing type body, like Tsunamis. He had Gills. He looked no older than 5 months.
"Come on let's go play guys." The girl, Nightwing, looking dragonet said to the others. The all walked off and started to play, I think they where playing tag. They reminded me alot of me and my friends. I started getting major Deja Vu watching them.
"Y/N, could you come here! I need help with something!" I heard a voice yell, that's when I realised that it was the same voice that was in my head.

The little dragonets where still playing as I walked off to where the voice came from. I managed to observe where I was a little, the dragonets where playing on a grassy field, we where not to far from the ocean. I had to walk up a hill to meet the voice. When I made it up the hill, I saw a Palace type building, it looked small to what a place was. Atleast was I read about a place and what they all looked like. It wasn't like any of the other tribes Palace, I've read about all of them in scrolls. A orange flame came from the very top of the Palace. I made it to the entrance there where to big black wooden doors that guarded the entrance. I was going to open but before I could they opened for me, I was confused for a second, but I decided to shake it off and enter. When I entered I was amazed by what I saw. The Palace had beautiful black walls and floors, it had a red carpet on the floor, I walked a little further. There was a black stair-well, it looked like it went far up. Most of the Palace was black with bits if red and red carpet. The first floor had multiple doors in the large room. One of them kitchen, another said feasting hall, there where on one side together, there more doors on the otherside, I decided that I'd look at them later. There where multiple Nightwing guards around the Palace, I started walking towards the stair-well where I saw another stair-well that led down, and it had a door at the bottom.
"The King is waiting for you upstairs your highness." I got spooked by the voice that suddenly spoke.
"Ok thank you." I replied.
'The king? Did he just call me your highness. Thats when I noticed the two thrones that where infront of the stairs. The first throne was larger than the other, it was black and red, it had dragon bones coning out of it, they where coming out of the sides. It didnt really seem like chair that Id sit on. I looked at the other throne, it was white white a bit of white and blue, it was small but I could fit on it. It had no bones coming out of it, it looked a bit plain and nor scary like the other, but I liked it. I walked upstairs, I looked up and oh my there were so many stairs! There had to be atleast 5 levels, I groaned. I made it to the second level. It was quite diffrent to the second. It the walls and floor, it didn't have much he just had some doors, one of them said scroll room, which I quite liked it interested me but I have to check that out another day. There was also art room and learning room there was one more at the end of the hall. The writing on the door was scratched out, so I don't know what its for. I continued up the stairs to the third floor. The stairs made me extremely tired.
'I hate stairs.' I declared to myself. The third floor was a bit higher up than the others no wonder why it looked like there was five floors, the third one was so high up. On this level there were guards. They weren't there on the second floor, I found it a bit odd. I walked onto the third level and realised that this was the dragonet rooms. There where five rooms in total. The doors whrrw made out of black wood with a diffrent colour on each. I walked up to one of the doors it read the name Clearmoon. The one next to it was Midnight, then it was, Frost next to that one it was, Whiteout, and the last one was Reef.

When The Ice Melts (Darkstalker X Fem Icewing Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now