Chapter 15: Time

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(So sorry, everyone, for the late update. Hope you enjoy this chapter ❤️)

"It's not true. They wouldn't."
Sunny said.
"They definitely would. They'll do anything if they think it's right for the prophecy."
Said Tsunami.
"She's got a point."
I said, I sighed. I hated agreeing with that, but I knew it was true. We all looked at Glory, whose scales had gone a pale green. Even her usual aloof expression wasn't there. She paced around Tsunamis rock column that Tsunami was tied to. Glory kept lashing her tail.
"But we won't let them."
Clay blurted out. He was still panting and dripping icy water on the stone floor. I got into the cold water and laid mostly down, keeping my head above water. The cold helped me focus, the coldness felt right. It felt natural.
"Right, Tsunami? We will stop them."
Clay added.
"You don't have to get involved. This is my problem, not yours."
Said Glory.
"How will you stop them?"
Tsunami asked Clay, ignoring Glory.
"Even all of you together are no match for Kestrel, especially with Dune helping her."
Tsunami said. I gritted my teeth when she mentioned Dune.
"And I can't do anything."
Tsunami added. She bared her teeth and snapped at her chains, pulling the one around her neck really tight.
"So we escape. Just like you wanted. We get you out of there and we escape, tonight. Right now."
Clay said.
Sunny squeaked.
"I mean he is right."
I say. I sit up so the majority of my body isn't in the water.
"Are you guys serious?"
Glory asked. Apple-red stripes flickered across her ruff like lighting.
"You don't have to do anything. I'm the one who doesn't fit in. I'll- I'll fight her or- or figure something out..."
"Of course, we have to do something."
Clay said fiercely.
"If escaping were that easy, we would have done it by now. Starflight pointed out. He's got a good point.

He stepped around Glory. He stood up on his back legs and he tapped on the boulder that blocked the entrance.
"What is it?"
I asked. Starflight looked at me, he smiled and then at the others.
"This is the only way out, and they have it rigged."
Starflight said.
I asked.
"They have a mechanism, so only big dragons can move it."
He added.
What an asshole move. Watch your language Y/N. Oh really? You haven't said anything to me in ages, and the first thing you tell me is to watch my language. Well fuck you then. You'll need my help sooner or later.
I sighed.
"They do?"
Clay said. Starflight nodded.
"You know how Dune never leaves, because he can't fly? He has a stone that fits into this slot."
He tapped a grooved niche that's in the stone wall.
"He turns it in here to unlock something so they can roll the boulder from inside the cave. However, when Kestrel or Webs come from the outside, there must be a lever or something they use to open it from out there."
He continued.
Clay said. I hadn't noticed it before. Guess I didn't pay attention.
"So can we steal Dune's rock?"
Sunny suggested.
"Terrible idea."
Glory said immediately.
"They would catch us for sure."
Starflight said to Sunny.
"Especially tonight, when they are already on high alert because of Morrowseer."
He added. The mention of Morrowseer sent shivers down my scales.

"Well, then what about the sky-?"
Sunny started.
"Is there any way we could move the boulder without the rock thing?"
Tsunami interrupted her. Starflight shook his head.
"Only from the outside. It's impossible from in here. Believe me, I have thought about it."
"Maybe the sky-"
Sunny said.
"And we can't force it?"
Clay asked Starflight. I noticed Sunny kept getting interrupted by the other. I was a little annoyed. I got out of the water and wrapped my tail around Sunnys. I smiled at her. She did a half-smile back. She put her head on my right shoulder. Her scales were too hot for me, but I didn't care. I was still dripping in water.
"Even if we all leaned on it really hard?
He added. Starflight shook his head as Glory spoke.
"This is all really sweet of you guys, but you guys shouldn't get involved in this. Morrowseer likes the rest of you. I'll just handle myself."
"Stop that." Tsunami snapped at Glory.
"Acting like a martyr won't help." Glory bristled.
"I am not acting like a martyr. I'm just trying to make sure nobody gets killed for no reason."
"Besides you."
Tsunami argued.
"It's fine if it's you getting killed for no reason at all?"
"It doesn't matter." Glory said.
"I'm not even in the prophecy, so who cares what happens to me?"
"We care, Glory."
I argued. Tsunami looked like she was about to say something, but she didn't. Everyone went silent.
"Now, Sunny has a idea. Listen to her."
I growled.
"The sky hole. Couldn't we escape threw that?"
She asked.
"In the study room? Why can't we just fly up to it and squeeze out?"
Sunny added.
"Sunny, Y/N don't be ridiculous."
Tsunami said.
"It's way too small. We will never fit, especially Clay."
Starflight explained.

"But me and Sunny might. We could climb out and then go around and open the boulder from the outside. Like Starflight said. We can let you all out."
Sunny smiled at me. I smiled back.
"It wouldn't work. I'm sorry Y/N, Sunny. I've flown up to the hole when no one was around."
Starflight said.
"Me too."
Said Tsunami.
"Me too."
Glory added.
"Look, the hole is smaller than you guys think. I can barely fit my head through it. It's not our way out."
Starflight said to me and Sunny.
"The minders wouldn't have left it there if it was."
Glory said. She walked over and stopped next to Tsunami. Waves of her dark green scales spread from her ears to her tail.
"They are too careful. There is no way to escape."
Glory added.
"There must be."
Clay said desperately.
"There needs to be."
I chimed in. I knew time was slipping away. We need to do something fast...

(Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. I hope you are all doing well. And enjoy the holidays! Merry Christmas everyone!)

Stay Safe and Stay Well

By yours truly.

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When The Ice Melts (Darkstalker X Fem Icewing Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now