Chapter Eleven

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3rd Person POV

What is next for Y/N?
That is what she has always wondered.
Did she actually mean anything?
Does she actually have a good destiny or a future?

Your POV


"You're so weak, try and do something!" Kestrel yelled whilst blasting fire at me. I quickly jumped out of the way. I hate battle training so much! It was basically just an excuse for her to hurt us, she didn't even like us. She treated us terribly. I wish I could kill her sometimes, she gets on my nerves. She made battle training hell. She kept blasting fire at me, but it didn't hit me because I moved out of the way.
'Should I use my frost-breathe? Should I not?'
"I think you should." Darkstalker pitched in. Kestrel flung her tail at me, it hit me this time. I flew into a wall. I groaned in pain.
"Kestrel that's enough for today." Dune walked into the cave.
"I say when she's done battle training." Kestrel growled. I rolled my eyes, I stood up. My body ached alot, it felt like a tone of rocks where on me. I walked over to the river in the cave and got a drink, Kestrel and Dune where still talking. The water made my throat feel soft and cold, instead of dry, crackly and sore. The water was nice and cool on my throat, it was quite refreshing. I'm not sure why Dune was protecting me, in a way. I guess he thought Kestrel was being to hard on me? I sighed, things weren't going to get any easier. I just hoped that things where going to change. This stupid destiny, I just wished that this stupid prophecy never existed! I want to be free and do the things that I want, like explore. But I'll miss my friends.
"You can leave Y/N." Kestrel growled. I nodded and left, I guess that the others where studying because the caves where quiet. In a way to quiet, a little shiver went down my spine.

This Time Skip Brought To You By A Food And Drink Break And Of Course The Author

3rd Person POV

A month has passed. Things felt the same, or where they? The Icewing Y/N didn't know what was awaited her. The future awaits her...

Your POV

I lay in my cave reading the words on the Scroll that is infront of me. 'The missing Icewing', it was called. It was about an Icewing who's egg was stolen and was given away for some coin. I felt bad for the mother Icewing her dragonet was stolen, they believe its by the father. You wished that it was you, but you where part Seawing and this happened a year before the prophecy. The dragonet was believed to be a boy, the Icewings aren't sure what happened to him. You heard loud noises from the other caves.
'Clays doing Battle training again.' I thought, I wasn't going to bother, I was to interested in this scroll. This scroll felt so real, like I was connected to it so how. I heard muffled voices almost yelling coming from where Clay was training it sounded like him, Kestrel and Tsunami. But I just ignored them. I felt like I was in my own words everything seemed peaceful and quiet, too quiet. But I liked it, it took me a second to realise that a Nightwing had walked into my sleeping-cave. Starflight, my secret boyfriend.
"Hey Starflight." I said.
"Hey Y/N, what scroll are you reading?" He asked.
"The Missing Icewing." I looked into his eyes, he smiled.
"That one is your favourite." He said with a smile. He laid next to me, it was quite comfortable. I rested my head on his shoulder, he put his head on top of mine. I closed my eyes.
'I love Starflight.' That thought stung. One person hadn't crossed my mind in a little while
I want to be with Starflight, he is the one for me, I love him.
"Y/N, Starflight." A voice came from the doorway. I opened my eyes, we both turned our heads, it was Sunny. We hadn't exactly told anyone that we were dating yet. We wanted to keep it a secret, for now atleast.
"Hey, Sunny what's up?" He asked. He stood up and walked over to Sunny. I always felt like something was going on between them, or atleast Starflight. I still think that he is inlove with her even though we are dating. I just had a feeling, deep down. I'd also hadn't heard from Darkstalker as well, I was worried, I missed him. In a weird way, but he kept me comfort he felt like be was here with me. It was a weird feeling. It took me a second to realise that they had both left and I was alone...

I sighed. I walked down the hall into the Scroll cave and put the Scroll back. I decided to walk to the river. When I got there Clay, Tsunami and Glory where already there talking about something.
"Hey guys." I said cheerfully, I added a smile. They all gave each other a look.
"I guess we should tell you. I mean we can trust you of course." Tsunami said. I looked at them with fear.
"We are thinking about escaping." Glory said.
"We just can't take it anymore." Clay added.
Tsunami said.
"Talk to us." She said calmly.
"I agree with you guys but the guardians I... don't know." I bowed my head.
'I want to escape and be free but...' My thoughts trailed off. I was lost.
"Let's escape soon." I added. Clay nodded.
"We will have to wait for the right time to do it." Tsunami said.
"I agree." Said Glory. I smiled I want to be free.
"What about Starflight and Sunny?" I asked. They all looked at me.
"You can tell Starflight, but not Sunny, because she can't keep a secret." Tsunami said, I nodded. With that I left, guilt filled my stomach. I went to the Scroll Room again to find another scroll to read. I've almost read all of them. But one caught my eye, it was called 'Coast the animus' I hadn't read it or seen it before. So I decided to grab it a go back to my sleeping-cave. I laid down on my so called bed, and opened the Scroll it, smelt like fish. I started reading the Scroll. It was about a Female Seawing animus called Coast, and about all the things she did for the Seawing tribe and how amazing she was. Until one day she ran off! It doesn't say much about it but they saw her run away with a Icewing. They don't know what happened her, but according to this she's dead to them. Which is understandable. Then a good smell filled the air, cows.
"Y/N!" Kestrel yelled. With that I left the room and went to the feasting-cave.

3rd Person POV

Little did she know what was waiting for her...
What is going to happen to her...

?? POV

'Poor little Y/N. Just wait until I get my hands on her...'

(Hello everyone I hope you had an amazing day. Sorry this chapter took so long. Thank you all for the votes, I would @ you all but I'm too tired and lazy to do that. Also thank you for the followers. Im currently writing another story, i think youll like it. Have a good day or night).

Stay Safe and Stay Well

By Yours Trully

Words 1274

Words 1274

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When The Ice Melts (Darkstalker X Fem Icewing Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now