Chapter Thirteen

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(Sorry everyone for the long update, I know it's been about 2 months and I apologize)

Your POV

"Are you alright?" Clay asked Glory. He walked around her and sat in front of her, he studied her face. Sunny sat beside Glory, Glory brushed her violet wings against Sunny's smaller golden wings.
"Of course. I mean, we knew that was going to happen. It's not like anyone's talking about how awesome I am". Glory replied. I came up and sat next to Clay, I felt sort of awkward.
"But you are". Clay said. Glory tilted her head at him.
"Awesome." Clay insisted.
"They just don't see-". Clay got cut off by Glory.
"All they see is a Rainwing". Glory shrugged.
"I don't care. It's their fault for bringing me here". Glory added.
"Why didn't you fight Morrowseer when we did?" Sunny asked her.
"Then maybe he would know how fierce and brave you are". Sunny added.
"Why bother? It was obvious that it was a test, I've already failed it.". Glory replied. I couldn't help but feel bad for her. A spot of sky-blue scales on her back pulsed, and the colour began to spread across her other scales. It ate up the purple and gold. I was about to speak but Clay spoke instead.
"Well, we don't care what the prophecy says or what Morrowseer thinks," Clay said stoutly.
"Yeah, you're our sixth dragonet. We don't want anyone else," I added, I smiled at Glory. She smiled back.
"That's very sweet," She yawned.
"I'm going to take a nap," She added. I sighed.
"Now?" Sunny said.
"Is that a good idea?" She added. I knew that Glory fell asleep every day, usually after lunch, for a couple of hours. I'd thought that she'd stay awake whilst Morrowseer was here. I looked at Clay, I guessed we were on the same page. I guess no one would want to get caught sleeping by Morrowseer, I knew I wouldn't want to. I saw Clay look at the study room, I looked back at Glory.
"Well, I'm tired," Glory snapped.
"And they all think I'm lazy anyways, there's nothing I can do to change that,"
She wasn't lazy, she just worked harder than anyone in battle training as well as learning the dragon wars history. Even though the guardians didn't notice, it was a little bit sad. Glory would just have a nap in the middle of the day, for some reason. I didn't understand why, I guess I'll never know.
"Wake me up if anything exciting happens, and make sure it's not Sunny-exciting." Glory said she nudged Sunny with her snout, it was a friendly nudge. Sunny squeaked in protest to what Glory said.

(Also most of the bold text is Darkstalker talking to Y/N through their minds)

"I don't think everything is exciting! You guys just don't think enough thing see exciting, well maybe except you Y/N." Sunny flapped her wings. I chuckled.
"Think of it this way, Sunny."Glory started.
"Time to leave the caves and fulfil the prophecy: exciting. You caught another weird-looking white crab in the river: not exciting. Got it?" She poked Sunny. Glory uncurled her tail, she was now fully blue, and she slipped inside her sleeping cave. Sunny blinked at me and Clay.
"I know Sunny, that crab was weird looking," I said I gave her a soft smile.
"Yeah, it was, wasn't it?" Sunny said.
"I wouldn't have minded if you'd woken me up to see it." Clay pitched in. I smiled at him, he smiled back.
"Well good. That's why we went thirds in eating the crab, and not anyone else." Sunny headed to her favourite stalagmite and started climbing it. She hooked her claws in the holes that dotted the bulbous shape. Clay climbed up the rocks and sat beside her. I sighed. I looked at Tsunami, she was still laid at the bottom of the river, I sighed. Clay started talking to Sunny. I walked over to a corner of the cave, I sat facing the wall. I opened my mouth and used my frost-breath on it. Ice covered a small section of the wall, I didn't stop. It got a little colder, and I felt the others looking at me. I stopped and sighed. I looked at the ice on the wall. I sighed. I lay down on the ground, I closed my eyes as I felt the coldness come off the ice I put on the wall. It was nice. I didn't know why, but I started missing Darkstalker.
'Missing me Y/NN?' I opened my eyes everything was the same, everyone was in the same place. I sighed.
'Don't ignore me... I know you are.' I groaned and shut my eyes again.
'After all, you're the one that did this.'
'Just shut up!' I thought with anger.
'Be careful Y/N...' Was that a threat I thought anxiously, but Darkstalker didn't reply. I sighed.

After what seemed like a while Starflight made his way through the hall with Morrowseer close behind him. I opened my eyes and looked at them, everyone else did too. The ice I put on the wall was slowly melting. I want sure what the two nightwings had talked about. Morrowseer looked at me then at the ice on the wall, then back at me. He didn't say a word to anyone, and then he walked into the guardian's cave. Starflight glanced at the others, then at me. He smiled. He then turned around and headed for his sleeping cave, I saw Clay hurry after him. I looked at Sunny, she looked back at me. We just blinked at each other, the room fell silent. Sunny walked over to me and sat down next to me.
"You ok Y/NN?" She asked.
"I'm ok," I replied with a smile. I saw Clay walk halfway down the hallway, he was still talking to Starflight. Sunny walked to the main hallway, and I followed. I saw the guardians enter the cave, my ears perked up. Me and Sunny looked at them. I looked at Kestrel and Dune, and they were holding a length of chain.
"What are you doing?" Sunny asked in an anxious voice.
"What are they for?" I asked whilst looking at the chain. Dune looked at me with soft eyes, they then went to his normal and angry ones. Then with heavy footsteps, they walked over to the bank of the river and there was an enormous splash. I saw Clay rush into the cave with Starflight close behind him. Clay stopped to a halt, he looked horrified, and we all were. Kestrel and Dune were standing at the bank of the river, they still had heaps of chain in their talons. I looked over and saw Morrowseer holding Sunny back with his tail. She tried to climb over him but failed. I growled I tried to run to Dune and Kestrel but Morrowseer grabbed me. He held me close to him, I glared at him, he glared back. I saw Clay and Starflight looking at me and Sunny. I tried to escape from Morrowseers grasp but failed. Webs emerged from the river, he was dragging a writhing, hissing ball of blue scales, aka Tsunami. Kestrel and Dune threw the chain around her neck and wrapped it around one of her legs. The three guardians pulled her over to one of the rock columns that stretched from the floor to the ceiling, which was high above. Dune flung the chain around the column twice, binding Tsunami with barely three steps to move in any direction. Kestrel took the two ends and blasted them with a bolt of flame. The metal melted into a bubbling mass, it welded together. Tsunami was trapped.

(Hello everyone! Thank you all for the reads, comments, votes and followers. I appreciate it. Make sure to check out my new book, I'll update it soon. Once again sorry for the long wait for an update. Have a good day or night)

Stay Safe and Stay Well

By Yours Truly

Words 1356

Words 1356

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When The Ice Melts (Darkstalker X Fem Icewing Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now