The dreaded phone call

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December had just begun and the weather was somehow getting even colder. Y/n had been completing paperwork all day and decided to walk to the teams communal living area for a bit of a break. They had the best coffee in the tower, in her opinion.

But as she was walking down the corridor, just a few steps away from her destination and the smell of coffee already in the air, her phone rang. And when she saw it was her mom, she knew what it was about.

She hadn't realised in all the busyness what the date was. Every year on December first the family would start organising for the annual Christmas getaway. And she very much looked forward to it every year. She got to see her whole family and all her siblings. And her amazing little nieces.

But there was one issue, all her sisters but her were in happy relationships and everyone seemed to have made it their mission to make sure the same happened with y/n.

She was so busy with work she never even thought about those things. She didn't have time to find someone she liked and she didn't particularly care all that much. Sure, she thought it would be nice to have someone and introduce them to her grandparents before they got any older. But she didn't think it would be happening anytime soon.

"Hello mom", she said happily, stopping in the hallway for the call.

"Y/n, it's so nice to hear your voice. It's been too long, you need to call more often".

"Yea, I know. I will", she chuckled.

"Anyway", her mom got right to the point as usual. "We were just calling about the holiday this year. And last year was so cramped so we were thinking, if you aren't bringing anyone, maybe it would be nice if you shared with jasmine, Ava, and Mia?"

Y/n's face dropped. They were suggesting she share with her nieces. All three were under five years old and she would be stuck in a room for five days with them. She really loved the little girls, but could she stand sharing a room with them every night. She wouldn't have any space with them wanting to climb all over her.

But then she couldn't exactly say no. Her aunts were getting older now and probably didn't want to share a bedroom with each other for much longer. And y/n knew she had been lucky with her own room all these years. She was going to tell her that it was okay and she would share a room, but when she spoke, something else came out of her mouth.

"Oh, I was actually going to bring someone this year".

What the hell was she thinking?! She regretted it immediately but there was no way she could take it back now. Her mom was already squealing down the phone and she could hear her dad asking about it in the background.

"Who are you bringing? This is so exciting! We need to know what they like. I need to buy more presents. Are they okay eating anything? Do they have allergies?"

"Mom, mom, calm down. It's just someone from... work. It's new so don't freak out or go over the top".

"Okay, you're right", she heard her mom try and get herself under control. "I have to go tell your sisters", she quickly shrieked before saying goodbye and hanging up.

That left y/n still in the hallway and regretting the entire conversation. All she had to do was not be selfish and give up a room so her fifty year old aunts didn't have to share a bed.

She felt awful about it but quickly remembered she'd have to find someone to go with her. There was no way she was going to ask anyone she worked with downstairs as they would never leave her alone after.

She thought about quickly going on some dates in the next week but she didn't want to and knew it would never work if she wanted to convince her family.

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