Day 2 - 23rd Pt. 1

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The muffled shouts of small children drifted through the walls and hit y/n's ears as she slept. The heavy curtains on the window blocked out most of the light but the gap in the middle let some of it through the middle of the room.

It all marked the start of the day and it slowly woke her up. She felt the soft pillow first and the warmth in the bed. It was all so peaceful as she opened her eyes and took in the surroundings.

It was always so strange to not wake up in her own bed at home, but the same thrill always goes through her when she remembers where she is.

It wasn't until someone shifted behind her that she noticed the arms around her waist and remembered she wasn't alone.

Bucky was pressed against her back with arms around her, holding her close. She was pretty sure his head was hiding in her neck, but she knew he was still asleep.

It wasn't completely odd, they sometimes hugged and gave affectionate touches, but nothing this far. She didn't mind though, it was cozy and warm, but she really had to pee.

So she fidgeted down and unhooked one of his arms before placing it back down gently and scuttling off to the toilet, very glad they had their own so she wouldn't have to run into anyone yet.

And when she got back, it looked like Bucky had just woke up. He rubbed his eyes and smiled gently as she came back.

"Good morning", she smiled down at him and leant against the edge of the bed.

"G'mornin", he mumbled in a deep, tired voice.

"Did you get enough sleep? Would you like to lie in a little longer?" She chuckled at the way he sounded.

"No, I slept great".

He looked around the room, taking it all in and not feeling as terrified as he thought he would. It was still strange and there were so many people, but it had gone well yesterday. Though, he was still scared of her aunts.

The door muffled it, but they heard the shouting children slowly turn into screaming children as at least one of them was having a meltdown already.

"And that is why I didn't want to share", y/n laughed and turned to get a change of clothes. "It's fine when I'm awake and prepared for it, but when it wakes me up it's too much".

"I wouldn't know what to do awake or asleep".

"You eventually learn", she tells him. "I don't think anyone really knows until you practice. And it's different with almost every child anyway", she waves her hand and goes into the bathroom to change.

The shouting children die down so someone must have sorted it. Despite being so close to the play room, it's surprisingly quiet.

Y/n comes back in some joggers and a sports bra before walking to her bag and pulling out a big fluffy jumper. It was kind of chilly in the room, but they didn't notice when they were in the bed.

Walking to the window, y/n looks outside and claps her hands happily.

"It snowed! That means we can go sledding at some point. I love doing that. We've got these old wooden sleds and we go up to the hill at the end of the road, it's so big and we go really fast down one side. Last year Eddie and Alby made a snow ramp and that was awesome!"

Bucky smiled as he watched her stand by the window and ramble on about how much she loved the snow when she was here. Apparently the snow didn't come until Boxing Day last year but it had lost the Christmas feel to it and sledding felt wrong after Christmas Day.

He decided to get up and take a look for himself. It must have fallen down fast last night as everything was covered in a good few inches of the stuff. Their room faced the side of the house where they could just about see the neighbours through the big trees and part of the yard.

Play pretend - Bucky Barnes Where stories live. Discover now