Day 4 - 25th Pt. 2

716 21 12

Mild smut at end of chapter.

Everyone sat around the house with full stomachs, groaning that they should have stopped eating ten bites ago. Even the older twins had taken a break from using their new slingshots to lie on the kitchen floor, too full to move.

Y/n looked around the living room before pulling herself to her feet and slowly shuffling to the kitchen.

"Has anyone seen Jamie?" She asked.

Her dad, who was slumped at the table, mumbled something and moved his hand, but it was her mom who was covering the left over food that was actually helping.

"Jasmine said the cat needed his shots so they went up to the playroom with the twins".

She went up the stairs to the playroom to see three little girls but no Bucky.

"Hey girls", she smiled.

"Aunty y/n!" They cheered.

"Wanna play?" Ava asked her.

"I'm sorry, I cant right now, maybe later. I was looking for uncle Bucky, have you seen him?"

"Needs rest to get better", Jasmine tells her matter of factly.

So she moves on to the bedroom and finds him asleep, on his back and on top of the covers. His belt and zipper had been undone, probably from eating too much, and his mouth was opened slightly.

She walked over, as quiet as possible, and stroked over his shoulder making him jump.

"Sorry", y/n whispered.

"Ssshhh", he smiled with a fumbled finger over his lips. "The kitten needs rest after his procedure".

She stifled a laugh as they heard one of the older girls shout from the hallway.

"Is he rested yet?!"

Bucky quickly shook his head with a pleading look.

"He's still resting", y/n whisper shouted back before closing the door and sitting back on the bed.

"Thank you", he sighed. "I ate way too much to play right now. One more tap on my stomach and I'm gonna throw up".

"I didn't think it was possible to get a super soldier full", she teased.

"Honestly, neither did I. I'm pretty sure I'm always hungry. But your mom is such a good cook and those roast potatoes your dad made were the best things I've ever eaten. Urrgg", he made a noise and held his stomach. "Can't talk about food for at least three days".

"Why are you always hungry?" She frowned. "Don't you have enough food at home?"

"No I do", he looked up at her before averting his eyes like he was ashamed. "I just forget sometimes. It's better though, at least I eat enough to make sure I don't lose any weight now".

"You can always come to my house. Whenever you want. I have plenty of food in the fridge and I'll always welcome the company. Well, if it's you".

Now he looked back and stared straight into her eyes. What did that mean? It was just friendly, right? Because y/n was always so nice to everyone she probably invited them round too. But the way she said it, and the way she's looking at him right now said otherwise.

"Thank you, but I cant imagine I'm great company", he whispered.

"You'd be the best company. I'd love to have a meal with you".

"Like... dinner?" He said even quieter.

"Yea. Like dinner", she whispered back.

"What— what else would you want to do?" He said as they somehow drifted closer to each other.

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