Day 2 - 23rd Pt. 2

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For a couple of hours, y/n and Bucky relaxed around the house and Bucky got to know some of the others without being swarmed all at once. He was sat at a table with y/n making some kind of Christmas decoration. Well, he was mostly just watching her make one.

Two of the sisters husbands, Michael and Henry, were telling him all about their occasional fishing trips. The other boyfriend, miles, usually comes too but since Cassie got pregnant he'd been by her side every second of the day.

They seemed like really cool guys and they treated him as part of the family. Already inviting him to their next trip and talking about baseball games. Bucky hadn't ever been to a game before. Well, he used to sneak into the stadiums as a kid but he'd never payed to watch one.

"Nana B's accepted you already?!" One of them asked, shocked. "It took two weeks for her to like me! I gave her chocolates from Pennsylvania AND a foot rub", he showered at the memory.

Bucky laughed along at their struggles to make the old lady accept them into the family and they had tried so hard. It was clear they were good people and deserved to be here, but he wondered if anyone had ever been denied by nana B.

"Sounds like she was stringing you guys along so you would do stuff for her", Bucky chuckled.

The other two stopped for a moment before glancing at each other with wide eyes. And they realised, he was probably right.

"Well, how did you get her to like you so fast?"

"I don't know", Bucky shrugged. "I helped fix her knitting?"

"Oh, the knitting! That's got to be cheating", one of them joked.

"Yea, but if we did it, she probably wouldn't like it!" The other added.

They clearly had a lot of respect for the woman even after reminiscing on all the stuff she put them through years ago. They also spoke about all the funny things along the way, like the cute little jumpers she would knit every time a new baby way born.

"See ya, Buck", they patted him on the shoulder as they left.

"Made some new friends?" Y/n bumped his leg with her foot under the table.

"It seems so", he smiled back and leant over to see what she was making.

It looked like a clear bauble that she had tied some ribbon to and stuck sequins on the outside. And now she was trying to stuff more of those little sequins inside. His eyebrow raised as he watched her, completely confused.

"You've never made one?" She asked. "It's a bauble and people put nice things inside of something memorable. But my family make it even better. Smile", she said and raised a strange looking box into the air.

He smiled and she leant over to kiss his cheek when the box flashed. He assumed it was some kind of camera. And then the picture started coming from the box, ready to use.

"Oh I've seen these", he said, pointing to it but couldn't remember the name.

"Polaroid", she finished for him. "This is a newer one though. They use to be huge but grampa wanted to keep his safe in the attic so we got this one".

"You have an attic too?" Bucky asked as that was somehow the only thing he took from that.

"Yea, that's what the family's been saving money for", she whispered. "The attic renovation would add a fourth floor to the house and we think it could add six bedrooms. And the living room needs to be extended. Don't tell nana", he whispered and he made a lip zipping motion with his hand.

"But what are you doing with the picture?"

She grinned and carefully rolled the picture up before inserting it into a small gap at the top of the bauble. It expanded as it fell inside so the photo was visible. With a last ribbon, y/n held it up.

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