Day 5 - 26th Pt. 1

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When y/n wakes up the next day, she smiles before she's even opened her eyes. Her body completely satisfied and happiness at an all time high. It was, without a doubt, the best Christmas Day she's ever had. And that's an impressive feat with it being her favourite holiday.

It was their last full day here today and the thought made her feel heavy already. But they needed to enjoy it, so she brushed it away.

Her head lolls to the side and she turns her body to find an empty bed. The side Bucky is meant to be on just has some rumpled sheets.

With a frown, she gets up and peers into the bathroom to find that empty too. Going down the stairs she walks past the three little girls giggling and playing on the landing before looking in the living room.

"You okay y/n", Olivia asks from the sofa.

"Have any of you seen Jamie?"

"He was with the guys out back", Miles told her.

She thought it was a little odd. He hadn't left the room without her since they first got here and after last night she thought she would wake up to him. But maybe he was just getting comfortable enough with her family to come down by himself. That was good.

Maybe she was overthinking this. It was just unusual for her to feel the things she does and isn't sure how it works. Is she overthinking?

If she's asking herself if she's overthinking, she definitely is.

A few people milled about in the kitchen so she walked over to get a cup of coffee and glanced out the back door. She could see the men sat in a group, talking about something.

Bucky looked up and briefly glanced at her before talking to one of the others.

And she didn't know what to make of that. Was that weird? It was right? He definitely looked at her and then just looked away.

Instead of going over like she normally would, she sat down tentatively at the table and tried to join in on the polite conversations around her. She couldn't stomach the food and sipped her drink, not knowing what to do next.

Bucky was talking with the others about a long fishing trip they'd been planning for the following year once Cassie has had the baby so Miles can come. They wanted his ideas on what route to take.

Bucky glanced up from his conversation and saw y/n in the kitchen looking at him.

"Oh, Buck! We want to go to as many different places as possible in a short amount of time", one of them said and pulled him away. "So should we go abroad or stay around here".

"I guess if you want to spend as much time as possible then you should start near here. Maybe in Pennsylvania, I hear they have some good bass?"

"See! I knew he would be a great addition to the family".

He got a few slaps on the shoulder and he smiled along with them all as they spoke more about the trip they were calling 'the ultimate fishing spree'. But he couldn't stop thinking about y/n. Normally she came over as soon as they saw each other, but she hadn't this time.

He knew his worries were getting too big like they sometimes did but it was hard to stop when it came to her. He never wanted to be the reason she was upset, but as soon as he heard her voice or felt her touch, his mind would quieten.

The boys eventually got fed up of the cold and headed back inside. He couldn't wait to tell her about the giant trip he'd been invited on. Only... she wasn't there.

He could have swore she was in the kitchen when he last looked through, but maybe she moved somewhere else. But then she wasn't in the living room either.

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