Day 5 - 26th Pt. 2

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Y/n walked into their room after looking at so many baby grows to see Bucky sat on the edge of the bed, his memory book in his lap.

He jumped up as soon as she entered, the thing nearly clattering to the floor.

They both stood, awkwardly staring at each other and not knowing what to say.

"Hi, Buck", she whispered and he winced at the name.

There was another beat of silence when they both took a breath and spoke lighting fast at the same time.

"I'm sorry if i—"

"I'm sorry about—"


Wait, why are you—"

They paused and took a breath. It was slightly less awkward than before as they both looked a little less lost.

"I'm going to go first", she finally said, taking the lead. "I'm sorry if I pushed you too far last night—"

"Wait what", he interrupted. "You think you were the one pushing?"

"Yes, you said you wanted to go slow, and I'm really sorry Buck, I didn't want to ruin this".

"No, no, no", he ran forward and gently clasped her hands together. "I was going to apologise for making things go too fast. You listened to every word I said. You even checked in with me multiple times".

"Well, so did you. So it wasn't your fault. I understand if you regret it—"

"I don't. D-do you?" He asked tentatively.

"No, not at all", she was quick to reply.



"So.. do we have a problem then?..." she suddenly realised.

"Umm... it seems not".

"Then why have we been so weird the whole morning!"

"I don't know!" He laughed. "

They settled down knowing neither were angry and went to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Okay, we do need to talk about this though", she said whilst placing a hand on his leg to keep some sort of contact. "What happened this morning, why did you get up earlier?"

He bit his lip and averted his eyes before coming back.

"I'm really sorry I left this morning, I didn't plan on letting you wake up alone. I heard sniffling so I opened the door to Jasmine. Apparently Alpine ran away so we looked for him. And then I got dragged into this fishing trip planning with the guys and I felt too awkward saying no. I'm really sorry, y/n, I didn't mean to ruin anything on our last day".

With a soft hand on the side of his face, she smiled and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

"It's okay, I forgive you. You're lucky it was one of the girls, no other excuses would fly", she joked and made him laugh.

"Okay, your turn. Why didn't you say hello once you got up?"

"Because I thought you regretted what happened and that's why you got up first. And then I was too scared to speak to you".

"That makes sense", he nodded gently before adding, " I feel like we're in a movie. The two characters meant to be in love have a slight miscommunication and do everything except talk about it".

She laughed and leant back on the bed, pulling him to lie next to her. They looked up at the ceiling, with their hands intertwined.

"I know the story. The huge devastating break up all because they don't tell each other a single sentence that could fix the whole thing".

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