Day 4 - 25th Pt. 1

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Bucky was brought from his sleep from lots of small knocks on the bedroom door. He slowly started to move, waking himself up to try and look at what was going on. Everything in the room was completely normal. The curtains blocked the little amount of light into the room and y/n was asleep next to him.

More little knocking sounded and he was certain it was by the tiny hands of children, but he had no idea what the time was so he felt very confused.

Y/n shifted next to him with a small groan at the noise and pressed herself against him and hid her face.

"What time?" She croaked.

He blindly reached for the phone, wincing when it lit up.

"6:47", he muttered and lay back down.

"It better be the girls. If it's anyone else, I'm gonna kill them".

Bucky agreed and neither of them got up to answer the door. They must have fallen back asleep when the door handle twisted and it slowly creaked open. The older two girls ran away as they knew they weren't allowed to open it, but little jasmine didn't know what was going on and stood there in the doorway.

"Why didn't you lock the door?" Y/n asked, both of them staying where they were.

"I didn't even know it had a lock".

He closed his eyes again, head facing the ceiling, when he heard little shuffles. His brows furrowed and he turned to look beside him. Jasmine stood there in her little pyjamas, holding Alpine the stuffed cat and watched him.

"Hi, Jasmine", he sighed out with a small smile.

She didn't say anything and swivelled on the spot, not taking her eyes off him.

"Are you okay? He asked with his voice still full of sleep.

He wanted to go back to sleep but was trying to fight it. His eyes started to close on their own when a wet hand touched his face. He looked back to Jasmine to see her put the hand back in her mouth before quietly saying,

"It's Christmas, Uncle Bucky".

That made him release a breath and chuckle quietly. She was adorable and there was no way he could go back to sleep and leave her standing there.

It seems she also had a similar thought as she tried climbing into the bed with them.

"Help", she muttered as she grabbed at the blankets, trying to pull herself up.

He laughed and carefully pulled her up by her armpits and she settled down, kneeling on his chest and looking at y/n.

"Sleeping", she whispered loud enough that it shouldn't be classed as a whisper.

"Yea, she's sleeping. Ssshhhh", he said and put a finger to his lips.

"Ssshhhh", she giggled, copying his movements and being quite loud.

It made y/n stir as she felt something digging into her side and touching her hair. And she knew it wasn't Bucky.

"Y/n!" She heard a squeal as she lifted her head and saw a very happy, but very lively, three year old on Bucky's chest.

"Hey, Jasmine. It's a little early isn't it?"

"It's Christmas", she said again, ignoring everything else.

"It is Christmas. Are you excited for your presents?"

"Yeeeeeee", she screamed happily and made them want to cover their ears.

"I think she's excited", Bucky said.

A few moments later, y/n's sister Olivia walks in after hearing her daughter scream.

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