Day 3 - 24th Pt. 2

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After a long time trying to get so many people ready, they were finally out the door bundled in warm clothes and carrying sleds down the road.

They headed for the hill at the end and everyone was buzzing with excitement.

Miles and Cassie had stayed home seeing as she was nearly nine months pregnant and nana and Grampa stayed as they didn't want to go out in the cold.

Bucky walked with his gloved hands in his pocket until y/n slid one of her hands in beside them and intertwined their fingers.

He looked down at her as the tip of her nose went red from the cold and she skipped along, pulling a little wooden sled.

The older boys ran between everyone and tried to hit each other with the snow. The three aunts walked slowly at the back of the group and shrieked when the boys ran between them and accidentally hit them instead.

And they were also the only people to trip over multiple times on the way and blame it on the icy pavement.

"They scare me", Bucky whispered down to y/n.

She laughed at his expression and patted his chest.

"They're harmless. Just a little crazy".

He turned at that to see two of them sat on a sled and the other trying to pull them along as they cheered.

"Definitely crazy", he agreed.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you alone with them".

"Thank god", he laughed. "But aren't they like fifty? How do they have the energy?"

"We've all been wondering that for years".

The walk up the hill was a little slippy and Bucky held his hand out for y/n to hold onto at the steeper bits.

They got a few comments, mostly from y/n's mom about how gentleman like it was of him. And instead of her telling her mom to stop it, y/n just agreed. Luckily Bucky could blame his blush on the cold.

"I'll make the ramp! Alby, roll more snow over here", said Eddie as he ran straight off.

The boys made their ramp and everyone else carried on to the top of the hill.

"We're first!" Two of the aunts said and placed the sled on the floor.

They got it in the right position and almost fell trying to sit on it. They quickly realised they were too far from the edge and did a funny shuffle that make absolutely no difference.

"Rose! Push us!" They shouted at the other aunt.

She tried leaning down to push at the back of the wood but just slipped.

"Handsome", they pointed at Bucky. "Come and help".

He couldn't ignore them so he walked over and helped push them over the edge until they slid down screaming.

The whole family laughed as they flew down, jumping slightly over bumps and fell out just before they came to a stop.

"They are not living as long as Nana", someone commented.

"They're here for a good time—"

"Not a long time", everyone finished with laughs as if they'd heard it so many times before.

Between everyone, they had around seven sleds so y/n and Bucky got to share their own.

They watched a few others go first, including some of the small girls and their parents before they sat down on theirs.

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