Day 1 - 22nd Pt. 2

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Y/n instructed Bucky to drive up a short driveway and park next to the few other cars already there.

"I don't think I can remember all the names you told me", he groaned.

"It's okay, just remember nana Beatrix and you'll be fine".

"I can do that", he breathed out and rubbed his sweaty hands on his thighs.

They got their bags from the boot and made their way to the front door, crunching the small amount of snow under their feet until they walked up the stairs of the wooden deck.

Before they could knock, the door swung open and people spilled out.

"Y/n!" A woman shrieked and hugged her.

That must have been one of her sisters that he had already forgotten. She only had three and he couldn't even remember one.

"Liviiiii", she shouted back and hugged her close.

Livi, that must be Olivia, he remembered that now. He just needed to make sure he didn't confuse her with someone else. He had been a trained assassin, he thought he'd be able to remember some names.

"Hi, Jasmine", she bent down to pick up a small girl holding a little stuffed cat and gave her a huge hug. "You've grown since I last saw you, haven't you?"

The small girl looked like she got shy and hid her face in y/n's chest. Bucky thought she was adorable and loved how gentle y/n was with her.

Two older women walked out with similar shouts and squeals to everyone else and he thinks they are two of her aunts. It's then he realised he doesn't know what her parents look like. He probably should have at least looked at a picture first.

Y/n is still holding her little niece when she walks over to Bucky's side and pulls him closer to the door. It isn't until then that the few people notice him. They had been so absorbed in saying hello they completely looked past it.

One of the aunts raises her eyebrows and he sees her fan herself with her hand to the other when she thinks he isn't looking. He blushes and smiles at that as Olivia steps forward to greet him with a big smile.

"Hi, I'm Olivia, y/n's sister. And this is my daughter Jasmine".

He says an awkward hello and turns to the little girl in y/n's arms. She speaks quietly to her and introduces the man as Bucky.

"Hi", he says back. "It's nice to meet you. That is a lovely little cat. What's its name?"

The girl seems to be getting more confident now the attention is on her toy.

"Alpine!" She says happily and holds it up or him to see.

"Wow, very pretty. Why is there a bandage on his leg? Did he get hurt?"

"Uh huh", she nodded. "Fixed it. M' a vetniun".

"A veterinarian? That's very cool. It looks like alpine has the best owner", he smiled.

The girl laughed and wiggled to get down before running back inside the house. Y/n smiled at him with her eyes sparkling. He'd technically met two people so far, and it went... okay.

They approached the two aunts who had definitely been talking about him. With his advanced hearing he heard the words cute and sizzling? But he wasn't sure how that fit in to two fifty year olds conversation. And he wasn't sure he wanted to know.

"Hi, auntie Stacey. Good to see you auntie Rose", she leant up and gave them both a kiss on the cheek.

Bucky felt her pull him closer by his jumper before putting an arm around his back. He liked how comforting it was to feel the warmth through his clothes.

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