Day 1 - 22nd Pt. 1

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On the morning of the 22nd, y/n finished packing her things and carried them downstairs to find Bucky. She was incredibly excited for the holiday, not only to see her family but also because she got to spend time with the man.

She finally finds him in the kitchen eating an early lunch and humming along to a song. He smiles when she walks in and hands over a fresh cup of coffee.

"Here you go, doll".

Y/n blushes at the new name and gives him a quizzical look.

"Just practising", he says through a grin.

They finish their drinks and Bucky finishes his food as he doesn't want to get hungry during the five hour trip. Steve had helped him pack the day before so he didn't forget anything and so they were ready to go.

"Bye, Steve!" Y/n says happily.

"Bye, y/n. Bye, Jamie", he chuckles, and laughs harder when Bucky gives him a glare on his way out.

"I'm so excited to see everyone", she squeals as they pack up the car full of bags. "It's been forever since I've seen everyone. A whole year for some!"

Bucky had been worried about it since he agreed to come and was definitely anxious about it now, but she seemed so excited. The fact this family is related to y/n makes him breathe easier as they must be nice.

He hasn't been surrounded by a family since the forties, unless you count Sam's sister and two sons. But enjoying a holiday with these strangers was going to be both terrifying and exciting.

He kept thinking about all the different things family's did during the holidays like playing games and making gingerbread houses. He got lost in the details of all these fun things but had to remind himself to rain it in.

After all, the family might not even like him. They might know about everything he did whilst under Hydras control. And what if y/n's nieces were afraid of his metal arm? Or anyone for that matter.

He instinctively pulled his jumper further down to cover his left hand when he felt a hand stop him.

"Don't worry", y/n's calm face stood in front of his. "They are going to love you. And we can just go upstairs or outside if we need".

He nodded and gave her an appreciative smile before they got in. She sat in the drivers seat knowing she wouldn't be able to sit still if she didn't have something to do, and they finally set off, somehow an hour late already.

The car was fairly quiet for the first while, the soft songs coming from the radio and y/n tapping her hands to the beat on the steering wheel.

"You scare me when you drive", Bucky commented.

Y/n turned to him scandalised but couldn't stop the laugh that came out of her mouth.

"What do you mean? I'm an excellent driver and we've never been in an accident".

"You drive so fast and you don't slow down when you turn. How do you have enough time to look properly. SEE! Like that!" He yelled and grabbed the sides of his seat as she did it again.

"The super soldier is scared of some speed?" She laughed. "But I do look properly, I promise I don't just pull out and hope for the best".

He looked at her with a smirk and wiggled his eyebrows at her comment. She looked confused until she realised and leant over to give him a playful slap.

"Mr. Barnes!" She giggled.

Bucky laughed and tried to dodge the hit as he wiggled about in his seat before putting a hand out to the steering wheel.

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