Day 1 - 22nd Pt. 3

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Bucky's thankful when no one rushes up to them again and everyone seems to be doing different things around the bottom floor. He can see a huge room at the back that must be the kitchen and dining room. For now, though, they carry on into the living room that's full of people.

It's a shock they manage to fit everyone into the room as the mansion sized living room isn't built for over twenty people. Y/n leads them over to a small space on the couch and they sit thigh to thigh.

"That's nana", she whispers and points to the older woman next to him before her sister catches her attention.

"Ah good", she says when she sees Bucky. "I didn't get a chance to see you when you got here".

"You must be the great nana Beatrix", he smiled and kissed the back of her hand.

She let out a little smile herself but he knew it was going to take more than that to win her over.

"I've been told a lot about you. It seems you're a bit of a legend in this family".

"I think you may be a bit of a legend too", she replied nonchalantly.

Bucky suddenly got nervous she wasn't going to like him because of his past that she clearly knew about. But she smiled warmly and patted his knee.

"The others tried to charm me into liking them", she pointed to the husbands of y/n's sisters. "But I'll tell you a secret. That won't work with me, I can see through it. Luckily it worked out well for them".

"I had a feeling it wouldn't work with you", Bucky smiled.

"No. I'm no chump", she said, making him laugh.

"I could tell that straight away".

She assessed him for a moment before nodding her head and bringing out her knitting from thin air. It must have been stashed in the side of the cushions, but as she lifted it, one of the needles fell to the floor.

"Not again", she muttered. "It'll take me forever to get it back in now".

"Here, let me", Bucky said and reached down for it.

He carefully took the wool and put the needle back through the loops, one by one. It took a few minutes and then he made sure it was right before handing it back, good as new.

"Where did you learn to do that?"

"My mother", he shrugged. "It used to be my punishment to sit and hold her wool when she was knitting. I learnt a lot".

"I like you", she said and went back to her little project without another word.

Bucky almost freaked out when he heard those words. He wanted to spin around and yell it to y/n but all he did was widen his eyes and replay it in his mind.

Y/n was talking to her three sisters and getting all excited at another baby girl joining the family in just a month's time.

"Do you have any names?"

"Yea we picked the name", her sister, Cassie, whispered and grabbed her boyfriend's hand. "But you can't tell mom".

"Why can't we tell mom?" One of them whispered back.

They looked around to make sure no one was listening to the conversation before she answered.

"We're naming her Annabelle, after mom".

It took everything in the four of them to not squeal and make a huge deal out of it so they don't spoil the surprise. A new baby in the family was always exciting anyway but this would be amazing. It had been three years since little Jasmine was born so they were excited for another niece.

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