Day 3 - 24th Pt. 1

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The first thing y/n realised when she woke up that morning was the intense cold. Much colder than it had been the last couple of days and so she didn't want to get up.

In her half-asleep state, she buried further into the warmth in the bed.

Bucky watched as y/n slowly woke up but apparently went back to sleep, wiggling closer to him and hiding her face in his chest.

His breath caught and he slowly put an arm out to bring her closer and hugged her back. He gently pushed the hair out of her face and stroked her back soothingly. And he didn't move until she woke up.

Y/n's cheeks felt hot as she opened her eyes at the start of the day. Her brain still foggy from sleep as she rubbed her eyes and tried to get the confusion out her head.

She felt something gently touching her back and her eyes widened. Tentatively lifting her head and looking up, she saw Bucky smiling down at her.

"Uhhhh", she said, making him chuckle. "Sorry", she mumbled and wiggled away a little bit.

"Don't be sorry, doll. You were sleeping. You deserve the rest".

She blushed leant back to stretch all her muscles. It had been a very nice sleep.

"Happy Christmas Eve", he smiled.

"It's Christmas Eve!" She suddenly sat up with a jolt. "Merry Christmas Eve Buck!"

She obviously forgot about her awkwardness a second ago and launched herself into his arms to give him a hug. Bucky chuckled at how much y/n likes Christmas. She'd done well hiding it at work, but now she was obsessed.

"We should get up. We can't be lying in on the best holiday of the year", she said and jumped up to get changed. "Come on, Jamie!"

He loved the way she got all excited and flustered. She would ramble to herself about everything and go off on tangents, not even finishing one story before she started on the next.

He got up to get changed and looked over to see her staring when he stood there in his boxers. She quickly looked away and pretended nothing had happened.

"Hurry up".

He smiled to himself and threw on a jumper before taking her outstretched hand so she could pull him along faster.

They ascended down the stairs when Bucky spotted a small stuffed cat hidden in the bars of the banister. He recognised it as Jasmines and could hear the three small girls downstairs.

"Don't worry, we'll find it", he heard a tiny voice say.

They walked into the living room and he crouched in front of the smallest girl and held it up.

"I found Alpine climbing the staircase".

She gasped and jumped forward to snatch it back, hugging it close.

"Thank you Uncle Bucky", she whispered and gave him a hug.

"I bet the older twins hid it!" One of the five-year-olds thought out loud.

They looked at each other before running out and shouting loudly at the same time.



Y/n and Bucky laughed at each other as the small twins looked for the older ones to defend their little cousin.

"Wanna play with a puzzle, Jasmine?" Y/n asked got one from a pile in the corner.

Bucky was going to walk over when something hit him in the side of the head. He looked down to see a ball of wool on the floor and the culprit sat on the couch.

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