↭ Prequel to Whisper
A Zombie Apocalypse AU
"Why did you scream you idiot?!"
"You try not screaming when something grabs your leg, you mother-"
Trigger warning:
↭ Mature language
↭ Character death
↭ Gruesome and detailed scenes with blood mentioned
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Jiseon: Ah, you idiot.
Jeno: What do you mean? You are the idiot.
The girl let out a groan of annoyance before glaring at her brother.
Jiseon: You are unbelievable right now. Asshole.
Jeno: Tsk. I literally did better than you on the test!
Jiseon: You got one extra mark-
She smacked the back of his head.
Jiseon: And you are acting like you are the smartest person here.
Jeno: Aish- I am literally elder to you.
Jisung: You can't even use that. You are like 2 minutes elder to her.
Jiseon: See he gets it.
The chair in front of Jiseon's seat dragged and all three of them looked up to see Minhyung.
Minhyung: Stop arguing like 10 year olds, will you?
Jisung: How much did you score?
Minhyung: Enough...
Jiseon and Jeno chuckled at the same time, glaring at each other right after.
Minhyung: You two-
???: Do you guys ever shut up?
The four of them turned to see Renjun in the other row, eyes on his books.
Minhyung: Do you ever stop studying?
The Chinese looked up, throwing a dirty look at Mark before focusing back on his notes.
Jiseon: I wish i had that much passion for studying.
???: You never even tried.
Jiseon's head whipped to the other side, eyes meeting Donghyuck's.
Donghyuck: None of you do. Look at me. A whole ten marks more than all of you dimwits.
Jeno: Yah.
Donghyuck: What? You are not very intimidating you know that?
Jeno stood up, kicking his chair, looking ready to throw hands on Donghyuck.
Jiseon: Jeno sit down.
The male glared at Donghyuck again, who only stuck his tongue out. The door suddenly slid open making all of them quickly scurry back to their seats. Jeno and Jisung quickly dragged their chairs to their desks on either side of Jiseon.
Mr. Kim: Wah... you made a complete mess of the classroom.
He said scolding some of the students before looking at the back benchers and sighing.
Mr. Kim: You- forget it. Wake that boy up.
Jiseon looked over to Jeno's side. Jeno shook the boy, but he stayed sleeping on the desk.