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Jiseon just silently took the meds as everyone shot questions to her, except Dayeon who took to help Minhyung

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Jiseon just silently took the meds as everyone shot questions to her, except Dayeon who took to help Minhyung.

Seolmi: Guys! Let her go treat Jisung and let Jisung answer you guys. 

Jiseon turned to her, suspicious if she knew more than what she was told. Seolmi met Jiseon's eyes, shrugging right after. 

Seolmi: I have really good hearing. 

She sighed and grabbed the rolled plastic sheet. 

Seolmi: Just go help Jisung. Jeno, Jaemin can you help covering the broken windows?

The two nodded and followed the girl and Jiseon caught Jeno's not so happy look while he did so. The others started helping with healing Mark so she just turned the other way and climbed the stairs to get to Jisung and help him ease the pain. 


Dayeon worked on Minhyung carefully. She didn't know much so she just cleaned the blood around the piercing, staring at the glass, wishing for it to vanish. 

Yujung: What do we even do?

Chenle: Pull it out?

Donghyuck: He will bleed out. 

Renjun: Well then we don't have any other option. 

Minhyung: Just... Just pull it out. 

He groaned in pain. The other grabbed towels and water and waited for something to happen. When nothing happened for a moment everyone looked at Dayeon. 

Dayeon: What?

Chenle: Pull it out. 

Dayeon: Me?

They all nodded and Dayeon turned back to Minhyung.

Dayeon: This is going to pain... maybe... i don't know. 

He did something in between a chuckle and a cough. 

Minhyung: Its okay. 

She sighed and put her hands on the glass. She glanced at everyone, them all giving her nods or just staying still, equally nervous. 

She turned back to Minhyung. 

Dayeon: I'll pull it out on three. 

He nodded. 

Dayeon: One... two-

She pulled it out and Minhyung let out a yelp. Everyone jumped forward, holding the wound down.

Donghyuck: Where was the three?! 

Yujung: We need to close it. 

She said, discarding her towel which was fully stained. Renjun used the towel in his hand to hold it but it was soaking fast. 

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