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Jiseon let out a hitched breath which made little to no noise

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Jiseon let out a hitched breath which made little to no noise. But enough for the zombie to open its mouth and screech right at their faces.

Destined to doom, Jiseon didn't know what to do. But she managed to kick the thing away from them. In a haze she pulled Jeno up and Donghyuck helped her guide Jeno out. 

Though Donghyuck froze making the two stop.

Donghyuck: Go. 

Jiseon: Donghyuck?

Donghyuck: Go ahead. I will get to you in a bit.

Jiseon: But-

Donghyuck: Just go.

He ran back into the class and Jiseon only watched in horror as more zombies ran into the class.

Jeno: He is going to be dead meat. Why did he go back in there?

Jiseon: I don't know. 

Jeno: We should wait.

Jiseon: We will get eaten. 

Jeno: We can't leave him in there. 

Jiseon: And we can't get in there either. 

Jeno: So we wait. He did help right?

Jiseon: Yeah... but why did he even get into that death trap?

She was getting increasingly worried now. The screams only got louder as the twins flinched away, not so sure about the situation anymore.

Jiseon: Jeno...

Jeno: Its okay... its fine... 

But him nervously gulping did not help her racking nerves. 

Jeno: he will be fine.

He whispered out and Jiseon just nodded, staring right into the class. That was when she saw a bob of brown.

Jiseon: Do you think you can run?

Jeno: If my life depends on it, yes. 

Jiseon: Good.

Jeno: Why?-

Donghyuck came running out of the class with the entire pack of water bottles in his hand.

Donghyuck: RUN!

The three of them sprinted up the stairs, not even paying heed to the fact that they were loud. Jeno, despite being hurt was running pretty well, much to his word. 

And soon they reached the floor they were supposed to be at, Jiseon in the lead. But their arrival was welcomed with familiar screeches.

Jiseon's eyes widened as she realized the zombies at the other end were running towards them. She slid open the door, pulling Jeno in, before Donghyuck stumbled in as well. She managed to throw it shut right as a zombie came thrashing at it.

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