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Jiseon's eyes ran across the shelves

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Jiseon's eyes ran across the shelves.

Where is it? 

She took a step to her right, the broken glass crushing further under her shoe. She winced a little at the abnormally loud sound in the very quiet shop before looking at the shelf again. Her eyes finally read a similar name of the meds she was looking for. After confirming it, she pulled out the box and picked out a few medicines.

A body stood next to her making her flinch. But she relaxed when she noticed that it was only Minhyung, weirdly staring at the pills in her hand. That was until she realized why, quickly hiding it, out of impulse.

Minhyung: Aren't those...

Jiseon: What?

Minhyung: You can't be serious, Jiseon. Did you just diagnose him yourself? Giving that to him without a proper doctor's note can harm him further-

She pressed her finger to her lips to motion him to quieten down. Jiseon's eyes wandered around the pharmacy, only looking back at Minhyung when she didn't notice Seolmi.

Jiseon: You can't tell anyone... but. 

She held out the crumpled prescription paper that Jisung had handed to her before leaving. Jiseon studied the male as he read through the paper, his eyes widening with each second.

Minhyung: Wh... Why didn't he tell us?

Jiseon: He was supposed to get a surgery sometime soon... but that was before... all of this happened. The delay has only worsened his condition. 

She took a step closer to Minhyung to decrease her whisper further.

Jiseon: I walked in on him coughing and vomiting blood.

His eyes shot to her in shock and worry.

Minhyung: And that brings me back to my question. Why didn't he tell at least one of us?!

Jiseon: I'm not sure... but we need to get him these meds for him to get even a little bit better, Min. So for the love of god... don't tell anyone else. He doesn't want the others to know.

Minhyung: Jiseon-

Jiseon: Listen. I know that the others need to know. But for now, at least till he is ready to tell, we need to keep it to us.

Minhyung sighed but nodded dully. 

Minhyung: Do you need anything else?

Jiseon: Maybe some ORS as well? That is for everyone... but like it should be good. I'll finish up here.

He nodded and turned to walk to the back.

Jiseon: Psst.

He turned towards the female again, raising his eyebrows in question.

Jiseon: Where is Seolmi?

Minhyung: She insisted on keeping watch outside. Did you know that all she carries around is a baseball bat?

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