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Chenle set the table with Yujung and Dayeon's help

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Chenle set the table with Yujung and Dayeon's help. The three of them were quick but as wished earlier, all eleven of them were eating together that night. Jisung was down for the first time in forever. He looked sick, very sick and thin. But he was still here.

No one brought up anything because of Jiseon's warnings. She had asked everyone to be patient and Jisung should tell them when he wanted. 

Though they didn't have to wait too long. 

Jisung: I have acute liver failure. Its bad, bet its worse now. I was supposed to get a transplant soon. 

His voice was soft and low. 

Jisung: Without the medications i would only have had a few more days... so thank you... whoever went out. 

The others nodded but stayed silent. Jeno squeezed the other's shoulder in comfort. 

Jiseon: Which brings me to a... suggestion of sorts. 

She glanced at Donghyuck who nodded before looking back at the others. 

Jiseon: We need to get to a safety camp or a boot camp quickly. Jisung needs a doctor and better treatment than whatever we can offer. 

Yujung: I... What?

Seolmi: She's suggesting we move. From here. 

Chenle: We won't find another place with such resources. 

Jiseon: Jisung still needs help, professional help. 

Jaemin: How are we going to move with two weak people if the Zombies are lurking right around and about? Jisung is vomiting blood and Minhyung still has a fresh wound. We will be attracting too many of them.

Jeno: Yes... but Seolmi did say that the zombies hate the rain. 

Renjun: Are you suggesting we walk around in the rain? 

There was a short silence.

Renjun: I'll tell you the problem in that. I don't think its safe for Jisung or Minhyung to walk through the rain. And it doesn't rain twenty-four seven. What if we don't find shelter? How many of us know this part of the town. 

No one raised their hand. 

Chenle: I know it only vaguely, but i won't be of help.

Renjun: Then its too risky. 

Minhyung: We have grabbed all the meds that were there at the store... Jisung can hold for a few days yes?

Jiseon: yeah...

Minhyung: Then we can make a plan till then. This is a hotel, a good one at that. Tourists would be visiting, hence they could have some guide maps. We can make a plan and move while its still raining. Yeah?

Nods ran around the table as everyone agreed. 

Minhyung: Great... but I think we all can agree, we are too tired for the day... so let's just go get some sleep and start planning tomorrow.

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