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Jaemin stared at the map in the radio room with the others

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Jaemin stared at the map in the radio room with the others. He had shown them the room after Jeno and Jisung were put to rest. Seolmi was still not seen and no one really went looking for her yet.

Minhyung: When did you find this place?

Jaemin glanced at Renjun who looked away and focused on the RADARs. 

Jaemin: Last night.

Donghyuck: We might finally be able to find a way out of here. 

He said while admiring the map.

Chenle: We have no idea where the rescue camps are even at. We can't wing it...

Yujung: No... but we can move hotels. And we can estimate. 

She walked to the map with a pencil. 

Yujung: We're here. Here was our school. The zombies were in abundance here and here. We didn't see much of a decrease in them, so this could be a red zone. 

She drew a rough circle. 

Yujung: To be safe we need to get to the outskirts of Seoul. Or at least try to. Or someplace which had less population. 

Donghyuck: My orphanage... it was somewhere close to a remote village. They are very closed off from the rest of the world.

Yujung: Where is it, can you locate it here?

Donghyuck studied it for a while before circling a small spot on the map. 

Renjun: That's far from here. 

Dayeon: yeah... but...

She took the pencil and circled other hotels or hospitals that were in the way to the village. She turned to the rest and everybody nodded. 

Minhyung: If we move whenever it rains we can get there in a week. 

Jiseon: What if the rescue camp is not there?

Everyone turned to her as she sat on the chair in the corner. 

Jiseon: What if that is also a red zone?

No one answered.

Renjun: Maybe... we can try getting this running and maybe they're still running the free zones. 

He said while running his hands on the RADAR.

Minhyung: Do you think you can run it?

Renjun: I can try... but I can't guarantee that it will run. This hotel is running out of power. Its depending on the generator and there is now ay we can charge it without attracting a shit ton of zombies. So whatever has to be done, its to be done, quickly.

Minhyung: So you'll need help.

Renjun nodded.

Jaemin: I can help. 

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