↭ Prequel to Whisper
A Zombie Apocalypse AU
"Why did you scream you idiot?!"
"You try not screaming when something grabs your leg, you mother-"
Trigger warning:
↭ Mature language
↭ Character death
↭ Gruesome and detailed scenes with blood mentioned
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No one left their tent much. No one ate much. No one slept much either. The only things that the group did consistently was wash up, drink water and cry.
There were no conversations, just light ones within smaller groups out of the nine of them. But just by sticking together, the group was feeling safer.
The camp was loud and didn't sound like the world was so silent anymore. There were no flesh eating zombies nearby for the them to run away from.
Yet Donghyuck couldn't help but feel like he was walking on thin ice. There was this feeling inside him that he couldn't recognize. But it had something to do with the camp.
There were only a few soldiers around. And they didn't even bother them. It was weird but he suspected it was because it could take sometime for them to open up completely. Donghyuck turned back to Jiseon who was sitting against the bed's metal frame, head leaning against the wall, eyes casted to the ceiling.
They all had been there for all of three days and Donghyuck had to be honest, inside this tent, nothing was moving. They felt stuck in time. It was suffocating and very real. He just wanted a breather. He wanted to go back to the orphanage and school. He wanted to be free to walk around without any losses of friends that cracked the ground he tried to stand so tall on.
Donghyuck sighed as he leaned back in the chair that was next to Jiseon's bed. She glanced at him and the two made brief eye contact before Donghyuck gave her a small smile. She mirrored it before dropping it and looking back at the ceiling.
Donghyuck took the time to look around. Jaemin had his fingers running through, the quietly tearing up, Renjun's hair. Minhyung had his back turned to them while he lay on the bed in the corner. Chenle and Yujung were sitting next to each other, whispering within themselves. Jeno was lying down with his eyes closed, but Donghyuck doubted he was sleeping. Seolmi on the other hand sat on her bed, staring out the small plastic covered window of the tent.
Just then, the curtain moved and everyone turned to the soldiers who entered.
Weixang: I'm so sorry everyone. Its been three days. We have to move you all.
Like every other time he said anything, no one bothered answering. In fact, Minhyung never bothered to move from his position either.
Weixang walked toward Donghyuck who was the closest to him.
Donghyuck: Um what are you doing?
Weixang: We need to take your blood for tests, just to make sure you all are not infected before going to China.
Donghyuck looked at Jiseon who gulped before looking at Jeno and Seolmi. Everyone looked way too nervous and the officers caught on quickly.
Weixang: What's wrong?
Donghyuck: Nothing.
He quickly spoke and they still received the suspicious looks. But it was soon forgotten as a soldier with a red sleeve that red medic approached Donghyuck, rolling his sleeve back. He winced silently when the needle was inserted and the blood was drawn.
He kept his eyes away from his hand and looked at the others who all looked away. In fact Seolmi tried to look anywhere but at him. What was going to happen when they find Jeno's scratch? Seolmi could hide her's because her's was on her leg. But if they test her blood then she would get caught too.
Donghyuck felt his heart race at all the possibilities.
After Donghyuck, it was Jiseon then Seolmi who looked jittery from all the blood but she managed to keep it together despite sweating profusely. Then it was Jeno's turn, who started to roll up his left sleeve with a shaky hand.
Weixang: Stop.
Jeno froze and closed his eyes, knowing that he was way to obvious.
Weixang: Roll the other sleeve.
Jeno did not comply. So the medic did, immediately grimacing at the sight of Jeno's arm.
Weixang: Damn it! Who else is scratched?
He said while looking around and for a moment no one responded, till Seolmi slowly raised her arm. The medic got up before immediately leaving and so did the other officer. Weixang stayed for a moment, staring at all of them as if they we done for. He then turned to Chenle and shook his head in disappointed, before going outside.
They were in a tent, so the walls weren't thick or anything. The clearly heard what the soldiers said on the other side.
Officer Bang: We can't keep them here. Zhong? What do we do?
There was a short silence where everyone in the tent shared nervous looks.
Weixang: Contact head quarters. We need them in the lab.
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