↭ Prequel to Whisper
A Zombie Apocalypse AU
"Why did you scream you idiot?!"
"You try not screaming when something grabs your leg, you mother-"
Trigger warning:
↭ Mature language
↭ Character death
↭ Gruesome and detailed scenes with blood mentioned
[A/n: I did double update so please read chapter 34 before this!]
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Jiseon's eyes snapped open, though she was forced to close them back because of the bright lights. She tried to rub the intensity out of her eyes, but she wasn't able to move her hands. She slowly opened her eyes, fluttering her eyelashes instead to get used to the lights.
Once her vision adjusted to the light, she looked around, finding herself in a room sealed in clear plastic sheets. When she tried to sit up, she wasn't able to. A silent sigh left her lips as Jiseon moved her neck as it seemed like that was the only thing she could move.
She was a on a bed that looked like a hospital bed. She probably came to that conclusion by all the machines she was connected too.
Though Jiseon flinched when she realised there was one tube that was blood red. Like it was pulling out the blood out of her. She felt her chest tighten, freaking out this time.
Where was she?
Why was her blood being withdrawn?
She tried her best to sit up but failed again and that was when she realised that she was strapped down on the bed. She looked around once more, trying to find anything to make sense of the situation and finally saw Jeno in a similar room next to her. He also had a tube drawing his blood. And she couldn't see the person next to his small room but she was sure there was one more of them.
Jiseon opened her mouth to call her brother, but her voice gave up on her.
No no no...
Her throat was parched and she was feeling dizzy all of a sudden.
What the hell is happening?
Jiseon looked towards the hall in front of her bed. There she saw Donghyuck and Jaemin arguing with some guards.
They could walk around freely... They were not being strapped down and being drained of blood. Then why me?
Donghyuck finally pushed through and came to a surprised stop in front of her. The only thing that kept him away from her was the plastic sheet. And by the way Donghyuck scanned her with wide, teary eyes, she could tell that she looked worse than she felt.
Jaemin broke through too, having a similar expression before walking to check on Jeno and the other. Jiseon took a confident guess that the last person could have been Seolmi.
Jiseon stared at Donghyuck who looked through the edges of the plastic sheet, looking for a way to enter, but the guards caught up and pulled him away harshly.
Again, Jiseon tried to say something, but she failed and only watched as both Donghyuck and Jaemin were getting dragged away.