↭ Prequel to Whisper
A Zombie Apocalypse AU
"Why did you scream you idiot?!"
"You try not screaming when something grabs your leg, you mother-"
Trigger warning:
↭ Mature language
↭ Character death
↭ Gruesome and detailed scenes with blood mentioned
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When they stopped for a second time, Renjun concluded that it was already nightfall and that they had made it almost half way through. They had decided to rest for the night, knowing that everyone was tired.
Though, no one fell asleep.
Everyone laid on the solid platform, twisting and turning in their places. Jaemin sat up in his place, running a hand through his hair. It was exceptionally hot down there, and other than water they had nothing to cool themselves.
He sighed, his tired eyes scanning the rest who were all awake as well.
Jiseon: This is surreal.
She whispered and there was a silence that agreed with her.
Jiseon: Its so crazy... we should have graduated by now... we should have been more worried about getting into college... pleasing our parents... not about surviving and losing friends like this.
There was another silence that was broken by Minhyung.
Minhyung: I would be writing SATs now... for going back to Canada.
Jeno: What? Why?
Minhyung: My parents want to go back.
He said softly.
Minhyung: I don't know anymore though.
Donghyuck: You're... Canadian? Bro? What?
Jaemin looked at Minhyung, equally confused. Minhyung on the other hand just chuckled and nodded.
Jiseon: His English name is Mark.
Donghyuck snickered as a few laughs rang around the empty tunnel.
Donghyuck: No fucking way. Mark??? You're Mark?
Jaemin chuckled as more laughs were exchanged.
Minhyung: Why is that so surprising?
Donghyuck: Wah... honestly you do give Mark vibes.
Minhyung: What the hell does that mean?
He asked while raising his eyebrows in question.
Renjun: I would be going to China for summer break as well... and i would probably still continue college here.
Jaemin looked over to the boy next to him who was picking on the edge's of his fingernails.
Chenle: Me too... We always go during summer.
Yujung: And I would come along... like every other year.
Chenle nodded while looking at the girl. As much as he had teased Jaemin and Renjun, Jaemin could notice the way Chenle looked at Yujung. It was the same way he looked at Renjun. It was like he was glancing into a mirror.
Jeno: We would be going to Jeju.
He said while looking at Jiseon who nodded.
Jiseon: One of mom's lab is there. And she likes working there...