↭ Prequel to Whisper
A Zombie Apocalypse AU
"Why did you scream you idiot?!"
"You try not screaming when something grabs your leg, you mother-"
Trigger warning:
↭ Mature language
↭ Character death
↭ Gruesome and detailed scenes with blood mentioned
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Seolmi woke up with a head ache and the urge to drink up an entire river if she could. But the moment she woke up she saw the wound on her leg was not just any wound no more.
It had veined out in painful red, purple and blue branches making her eyes widen.
She stood up, running to the bathroom, tripping along the way. She locked her self inside and took off the cloth that had now become a dark crimson in colour.
Below that was the disgusting sight of her bash wound. This was no normal wound. She could feel herself turning. Her drinking water every hour in the night. Her feeling tired and angry. Her needing the satisfaction of throwing something and breaking stuff.
She could feel herself become someone she was not.
Jaemin: Seolmi?
Came the knocking and worried sound of Jaemin. But as she felt her vision swim and her thoughts run wild, she didn't bother answering.
Another minute passed. Maybe two? She didn't know. All she did was hold her head in her hands and feel her body turn.
Jiseon: Seolmi?
Her sleepy voice sounded, and at this moment honestly, Seolmi was glad it was Jiseon. She sprung up and opened the door, Jiseon's eyes widening when they made eye contact.
That was when Seolmi finally made her decision. She was not going to be selfish.
Seolmi: Leave.
Jiseon: N-no...
Seolmi: You ha-have to go.
Her voice cracked but she ignored it. She could feel her throat turning dry. And when Jiseon shook her head and tried to approach Seolmi, Seolmi saw red and literally blanked out.
The next thing she saw was Jiseon crashed into a few stuff staring up at Seolmi in disbelief.
Seolmi: You have to go.
She cried out.
Seolmi: Please... for the others... go!
As she said the last word she had another blank out but when she regained herself, she didn't see Jiseon. Seolmi freaked for a second. Did she kill Jiseon?
But the next second she heard Jiseon begging the others to leave.
Jaemin didn't go. Not when Jiseon told him to. Instead he ran towards the washroom and and came to a halt when he saw Seolmi's state of mind and physique.
She was on the floor, shaking, leg veiny with purple, red and blue maybe green too.
Jaemin: Seolmi?
She looked at him and that's when he saw the familiar look of greyness in her eyes.
Seolmi: LEAVE!
The veins on her arms and neck popped up making Jaemin step back. Jeno came running in, shocked seeing Seolmi's state. But her state relaxed the greyness somewhat cleared away. She teared up, shaking her head and scooting back, away from them.
Seolmi: Leave. Go. Please. I don't want any of you near me.
Jeno grabbed Jaemin's shoulder but none of them moved. Not until Seolmi had another episode of screaming at them in her turned form, causing the two to hesitantly step back.
Jaemin: We'll come back for you... I promise. We'll see each other again.
Seolmi's just shook her head, covering her ears to as if cover up all his words.
Seolmi: Go!
The two reluctantly turned away, Jaemin screwing his eyes shut and unwillingly joining the rest, Minhyung and Jisung opening the door, some holding onto some resources.
None of them seemed eager to leave. Not while hearing Seolmi crying and screaming. Especially Jaemin who longed to stay but he knew if he did... he was going to lose everything. His everything being only the group of students at this point.
If he stayed, he lost Seolmi and himself to the world.
He had to go and his mind was desperate to believe that he could come back to find her and find her completely well. At least that's what he wished for.
Jeno wanted to stay back for Seolmi. But his sister who was still too shook only being absent minded, walked along as the group carefully made their way into the city.
Everytime Jeno closed his eyes all he could see was the image of the turned Seolmi, the sight paining him every second.
But his mind kept reminding him that he couldn't have done anything. Not when she turning. Yet his consciousness disagreed with his thoughts.
There was always another way. There was no only way.
Chenle: Just a few more blocks away.
The trudges down the path as silently as they could. Only then did Jeno realize that they were in a much more expensive part of a neighbourhood.
Passing by a few mansions they finally stopped by one and Chenle froze near the panel.
Yujung: Chenle?
He cleared his throat and pressed down a few digits and then a fingerprint scanner. He then stepped back quickly.
Chenle: We have to run quickly.
He said turning to us, sweat beading on his forehead.
Minhyung: Um why?
Chenle opened his mouth to answer but a huge buzzer went off, cutting his words and everyone turned to the gates that opened loudly. Too loudly.
Chenle: Run!
And so everyone did. Jeno managed to glance back to see a group of zombies running towards them and the gates slowly closing behind them. Since he didn't focus much on the front, Jeno ended up twisting the same ankle he hurt and fell the ground.
Jiseon: Jeno!
She came running back to help him up. But two zombies had managed to run in before the gates closed. And Jeno could only stare as they came right to him and Jiseon.
Inching closer, Jiseon just hugged him tightly and he screwed his eyes shut, waiting for the bite, or for his limb to get torn off.
But instead of that, all he heard was two loud gun shots, the twins flinching at each shot.
There was a silence following that. Jeno slowly opened his eyes and saw the two infected, lying unmoving in front of him. Turning around he saw Chenle holding a gun in his hand, his entire body shaking.
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