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Jeno: Seol-

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Jeno: Seol-

Seolmi: One sec. I'll just take care of this.

With that she grabbed the zombie, that Jeno shot, by its leg and dragged it to the door. She threw it open and tossed the body into the crowd before closing it again. She then dusted her hands off and came to stand in front of them.

Seolmi: Hey guys. I was beginning to wonder if you missed this stop. 

Jaemin: Okay hold up... did you just toss that creature like a sack of rice?

Seolmi: Uh yeah.

Jiseon's eyes went to her leg that was covered by a cargo pant which was clearly not what they had left her in. 

Jiseon: Didn't you... turn?

Seolmi: Oh i did. But like, I'm fine. 

She waved it off like she just got a paper cut. 

Jeno: Wait... what?

Seolmi: I guess its hard to explain. But I'm fine. 

But obviously no one moved for another minute. Seolmi looked up at the other group who were equally shocked. 

Seolmi: Where's Jisung? Don't tell me-

She was cut of by someone retching loudly. 

Dayeon: Oh my god!

Jeno: That's him.

Seolmi: Oh... so you all managed to stay alive? Great. Come on. We can use the lift now that most of the Zombies are gone.

It was awkward and silent. No doubt everyone wanted Seolmi back. But now that she was, they were weary. It was still burned into their heads. Especially for Jeno, Jaemin and Jiseon. The looked in Seolmi's eyes as she had turned. Her body trying to defy her mind and trying to kill them. The virus infecting her mind to become lethal. It was all a fresh memory for them, so now seeing her so chill, was off putting.

Unconsciously they made a small space with Seolmi and she clearly noticed. But she had no response or reaction to it, seemingly already expecting it.

When they reached the seventeenth floor they re-joined the other group, except Jisung didn't look too well. Jiseon's eyes furrowed as she approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He glanced up at her before looking back down, head in his hands. She silently took a seat next to his, comfortingly massaging his back. 

Seolmi: Are any of you hurt?

Jeno: My ankle is still hurting... but otherwise i don't think so.

Seolmi: No open wounds right?

They shook their heads and she nodded, taking a deep breath. 

Seolmi: If any of you do end up bleeding, i would advice you to stay away from me. 

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