Chapter 19: A Break

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Reluctantly, I made my way up the set of stairs to the Hospital Wing. I paced back and forth outside the entrance, biting the skin around the corner of my nails anxiously. The door was cracked open, I could faintly see Poppy tending to Garreth on one of the cots as Nurse Blainy used a spell to heal his broken nose. Despite the increasing anxiety I couldn't help but smirk at his dramatization to Poppy, Garreth was quite the actor in such scenarios.

Suddenly the door to the Hospital Wing swung open, Sebastian storming out with a remarkably healed face. His hands were still bloodied and bruises painted his face. He nearly ran into me with the speed he had exited the room. He was still angry, on fire internally.

"Are you just going to stand there?" He said rudely, looking down at me.

"No-no?" I choke, feeling my eyes get wet from his abrasiveness. I tried to find something to say, a way to explain myself but words were impossible to form with a lump forming in my throat.

"Hmmph, right." Sebastian rolled his eyes, looking down at the ground. "Did you enjoy it?" He said blankly.

"What?!" I looked at him in horror, inching away from him slightly. I felt embarrassed. .

"Don't go mute. I said-" Sebastian started to walk closer to me, closing the space I had created between the two of us. "-did you enjoy your time with Ominis?"

"Yes...until I thought of you." I look up at him timidly. I took deep breaths, fighting the uneasy feeling Sebastian was giving me. It wasn't a lie, I did think of him when I was with Ominis, no matter how hard I tried not to.

Sebastian scoffed but never responded, he took hold of my forearm forcefully and guided me to the prefect's bathroom, locking the door behind him. I wasn't sure how he knew the password to gain entry into the prefect's bathroom, but I wasn't surprised. If there was a way, Sebastian would know it and utilize it to his will.

It was warm in the bathroom, the large tub big enough to be a pool was steaming. The sun was reflecting gracefully off of the golden metal fixtures, bouncing orbs of light onto the paintings. I snuck in here once last year to get a demiguise statue for Gladwin Moon. It was far more beautiful here during the day than it was in the midst of the night.

"You know, it's getting rather tiring with you sneaking me off somewhere all the time." I cross my arms, unsure of Sebastian's intentions.

"From what I saw, your feet were guiding you willingly." Sebastian said coyly, taking a seat on one of the lounges. "Did you enjoy watching what I did for you?"

"For me?" I take a moment to pause, collecting myself a bit. "That wasn't for me, that was for your own fucking ego! I had no part in any of that!" I started to panic again, reliving the scene of the fight.

"Oh, but you did. You really did." He smiled slightly, toying with me.

"With your logic, I should go out to find Emma and pommel her into the ground!" I was trying to make a point, but truthfully I understood why Sebastian hurt Ominis, I wanted to hurt Emma.

"Would that make you feel better?" Sebastian stood back up and stood in front of me closely. Looking at me curiously.

"No..." I said sheepishly, goosebumps forming on my skin. I wasn't sure what I needed to forgive him, to understand him. But Emma wasn't the one at fault, he was. She was just easier to blame.

"You know, I brought you in here so we could talk. Strictly, talk. But I must confess something to you-" Sebastian started circling around me, stalking me as if I were prey. "The thought of you with Ominis disgusts me, I can't seem to get it off of my mind."

Before the Storm- Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now