Chapter 11: A Duel

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It has been a few days since Sebastian and I confessed our love to one another. Classes have been interesting and already much harder than last year. Every class I have with Sebastian he is staring at me and smiling the whole time. He's so distracting sometimes but I love it. He seems perkier and happier as well. He started to socialize with Garreth and Leander again like last year. He walks me to every class even if he isn't in it. People are starting to whisper if he and I are together. Part of me feels bad because of Ominis. Does Ominis know Sebastian walks me to class? I shook off the thought as we walked with our friends.

"Still a better dueller than you," Sebastian jokes with Leander.

"You wish Sallow!" Leander teases back. Garreth and Poppy are walking with us as well. Garreth and her finally talked everything over and they have been flirtatious ever since. We all walked into the Defense of the Dark Arts class together. Ominis was sitting already reading a book. I approach Ominis and sit down next to him in the empty seat.

"Hey, Ominis! I haven't seen you," I decided to sit down next to him and grab his hand. I always did that so he knew it was me. Ominis looks up from the book and I can feel his hand tense up while I have mine placed on top of his.

"I have been busy, Violet," He shortly says.

"With what?" I ask him and I can still feel his nervousness talking to me.

"Classes," He replied, "I heard Sallow has been walking you to classes. People are talking," He looks in my direction with a concerned look.

"Oh, well let them talk!" I roll my eyes. He lets go of my hand and turns to me. He grabs both of my hands now and starts rubbing them.

"Look, what I said I meant it. If you need to get through this stupid phase with Sallow so be it. I just want you happy but I am warning you. Sebastian is dangerous and always will be," He said to me with a true concerned tone like a friend looking out for a friend. I look in the corner of my eyes and see Sebastian's reaction seeing Ominis holding my hands. I can see the anger building up in his eyes.

"I can handle myself," I release Ominis's grip that he had on my hands.

"Violet, listen to me. I truly care about you. You were my first—," he stopped himself from what he was going to say. What was he going to say? I wanted to know. "Sebastian is damaged. He's been through stuff and he doesn't let things down. Just know I am here for you but if he hurts you in some way. Don't come crying to me," Ominis says.

I was shocked by what he said. I know there are feelings between us. Ominis and I had a deep friendship that did not have just friendly feelings but something stronger. I know he is worried about me.

"Also, if he finds out about the magic you inhaled. He will stop at nothing till you heal Anne," he whispers so no one can hear him, "he will be furious that you didn't tell him. He will think you don't care for him or that you kept a way to save Anne. I know him," Ominis says.

"What if he finds out about us?" I blurt out without even thinking. It did worry me for everything Ominis said because Sebastian did get upset with me last year for even talking to a goblin. Also, saying I did not care for Anne because I did not know what to do with my magic. It popped in my head that if Sebastian did find out what happened that night. Would he kill Ominis..? A million thoughts start rushing through my head. Before Ominis could respond and for me to process my thoughts. I could hear footsteps behind me.

"What are you two whispering about?" Sebastian chuckles. Ominis's facial expression turned into annoyance.

"Nothing," he says to Sebastian and turns away from the both of us.

"Ominis, can we please try to be friends again?" Sebastian asks him.

"Sebastian, we will always be friends. I just need time like I've told you for the thousandth time," Ominis says.

Sebastian looks at me and I tell Ominis I'll see him later.

"Why was he holding your hands like that?" Sebastian asked me in an irritated tone.

"Oh, I don't know. It's how he talks to me sometimes," I smile at him, " are you jealous?" I chuckle trying to get him to smile. He starts to smile and then it turns to a frown again.

"Yes, you're mine. I'm fine with you two being friends because I am learning to not be a hot head," he grabs my hands, "but he does it again. There will be problems. I don't care who it is," he frowns and his grip gets tighter. His grip was tight but it was cute to see him like this.

I pull his hands so they can be placed on my waist, "I only have eyes for you, Mister Sallow," I whisper seductively in his ears. I saw a smirk appear on his face and he bit his lips. He pulled me in closer and he was about to kiss me before Professor Hecat came in.

"Alright, lovebirds that is enough!" Professor Hecat sternly says to Sebaisan and I.

"I am sorry, Professor" I reply in an anxious tone. I hate being in trouble even though I did about a million things last year that could've gotten me expelled.

"Well I must be a matchmaker because I was the one who set you two to duel last year on the first day of class. You know what? Let's see a rematch of that?" Professor Hecat seemed proud of herself with the idea she had. She takes out her wand and the podium for the duel rises up. Sebastian and I were on it and didn't even realize it.

"You are going down Sallow!" Leander laughs.

"Shove it, Prewett," He hisses at him. Sebastian walks over to me with the confidence he had when I saw him last year.

"I am not going easy on you like last year," He smiles.

"Oh! How thoughtful of you! I will make sure to not push you off the podium like last year either!," I give him a puppy eyed look acting innocent and he chuckles as we walk to our places.

"Alright! Same as last year, just Basic Casts, Protego, Stupefy and Leviso," Professor Hecat addressed Sebastian and I.

"Oh Come on! Professor she isn't the new fifth year anymore! Don't go easy on her," Leander says to Professor Hecat.

"Fine, you can use Accio, and Depulso," She rolls her eyes. Leander claps his hands and sits next to Ominis.

"Ready Duellers?" She asks us and we both nod. She gives us the cue to go.

"Leviso!" Sebastian shouts and I can feel myself leaving the ground. I look down and gasp. Part of me was angry that he would start. I think back to the Scriptum where he did not even phase to cast Crucio on me. It still brought me the deepest sadness thinking he could use an unforgivable curse on me. He puts me down and I grip my wand tighter.

"Depluso!" I say and see Sebastian shoot back. He was taken by surprise and he slams on the ground with a loud grunt. Ominis and Leander start chuckling when he falls. Poppy is cheering me on and Garreth has his arms crossed smiling at what he is watching. The other students are clapping and enjoying this too. I see Emma and Cressida there talking as we duel. My anger fills seeing Emma even though she is a sixth year like us. I just wish she wasn't around. I feel a weird sensation and I see Sebastian using a Basic Cast on me. I stumble over and see a smile appear on Emma's face. What a bitch! I get up quickly and look over at Sebastian.

"Pay attention, V" He says to me with a giant smirk on his face. I can feel the anger boiling against the warm tension in my body and I let out my wand and see the ancient magic come out of it. Sebastian sees it too and he dodges it. I see it hits books behind him and they get destroyed in an instant. Everyone is sitting there in silence and I am still pointing my wand still in Sebastian's direction.

"10 points away from Hufflepuff for not listening to the rules, Miss Andrews. It is a draw class dismissed," Professor Hecat mumbles. The podium goes down and I am frozen in place. Sebastian comes over to me with a giant smile on his face.

"That was awesome!" Sebastian hugs me.

"No it wasn't! I almost hurt you," I say to him with concern. I push him off and storm off. 

Before the Storm- Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now