Chapter 15: Maxwell Who?

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Today is Friday, the day I have been dreading. It has been so hard to focus because of all the nerves for Saturday. This was a crazy idea but I needed to do this. I need to see what they will talk about. Poppy and I still haven't found two sixth year boys who will be the perfect match for our plan.

"Maybe that one?" Poppy whispers to me pointing to a Ravenclaw boy sitting near us. I shook my head no.

"They both have to be friends with Sebastian and Garreth. I have never seen that guy in my life," I chuckle.

"Ladies!" Professor Onai cleared her throat, resuming her attention to the Tasseomancy lesson. Divination class wasn't the most interesting class. Tasseomancy was interesting though. It had to do to see your fortune with tea leaves. We sit there for a bit til we are allowed to trade cups. Sebastian was across the room with another Slytherian boy I realized. I had never seen him before. Perfect. The boy shows his cup to another fellow Slytherian and the boys start laughing. I raise my eyebrows when Poppy notices and turns around to see them laughing.

"Alexander and George! I completely forgot about them! They are always with each other! They are on the Quidditch team too," Poppy whispers loudly to me.

"They are perfect," I smirk at her. Professor Onai approaches Poppy and I at our table. She looks at us and shakes her head.

"Let us see what is in your cup, Miss Andrews," She looks at Poppy because we are supposed to read our partner's cup. Poppy looks at my cup and looks closely at the book. She looks confused and concerned. The other students start noticing Poppy's concern on her face when she realizes what I have in my future according to the leaf.

"Spit it out!" I snapped at her. Professor Onai looks at me with annoyance.

"Um, it's a cross which means you are going to have trials ahead of you and suffering," She flinched when she said suffering, "And behind the cross is a sun which means great happiness. So, you need to face something before you get to true happiness," Poppy explains, looking for Professor Onai to approve what she is saying.

"Great work, Miss. Sweeting," Professor Onai praised,"What does Poppy's fortune say?" She turns her direction to me.

I stare at the cup and see a giant sun. I groan and tell them, "True happiness,". I was somewhat jealous of course Poppy gets a positive telling when I get this super dark one but a positive reward at the end for me. Class goes on for a bit before she dismisses us. Sebastian comes to our table.

"I suppose your reading is better than mine?" Sebastian shrugged, peeking into my teacup.

"Do you dare tell what your future revealed, Sallow?" I smirk slightly. Sebastian widened his eyes and scratched his head.

"Well, according to George, he saw a skull and a sun. Not particularly sure how dangers in my path lead to great happiness." he sighed. Sebastian seemed on edge about something.

"On the bright side, it's not death?" Poppy smiled reassuringly. I scoffed at her remark, it was quite bold. Sebastian was unphased by her comment. George and Alexander were laughing about something in the corner of the classroom, Sebastian peaked his head over at the two and waltzed over, joining in on whatever it was they were so obnoxiously laughing about. Watching Sebastian interact with the two of them made me feel uneasy and dangerously curious over what it was they were talking about. Yes, Alexander and George would be the perfect host for our Polyjuice potion.

Classes were now nearly halfway over for the day. Poppy and I lingered at the entrance to the Great Hall, waiting for Garreth and Sebastian. Garreth quickly met us at the double doors while Sebastian was nowhere to be found. Was he skipping lunch? I shooed Poppy and Garreth away, encouraging them to go and eat before it got too late. After waiting awhile I decided to go sit in the Great Hall, accidentally bumping into someone as I was more focused on scanning the Slytherin Table.

"Oh my goodness, I'm sorry!" I cover my mouth in embarrassment. I tripped a fellow Hufflepuff student, he landed hard on the floor. Smiling up at me with a laugh.

"Hey, no worries!" the student said. I held a hand out to help him out, he took it and made it back to his feet, nodding his head at the roars of laughter from other students. It was a messy haired boy with brown hair, green eyes and a strong jaw. I squinted my eyes at the sight of him, how I did not see him before in the common room. He went to walk on when I noticed a book laid on the ground.

"Hey, you dropped this!" I quickly picked it up, trying not to make it obvious that I caught a glimpse of the inside.

"Oh, thank you!" He took the book from my hands, holding it close to his chest for a moment before bidding his farewell. I watched him walk towards Arthur Plumley eagerly. He was a slim boy, relatively tall, but not as tall as Sebastian. I realized I had been staring for too long and noticed Sebastian was standing in the entrance of the Great Hall, staring at me suspiciously.

"Did you just knock over Maxwell Thompson?" Sebastian chuckled as he walked over to me, grabbing one of my hands to intertwine with his own.

"Who?" I exclaim, feeling even more embarrassed that I didn't even know the name of my victim. I never really got a chance to meet all of the Hufflepuff's last year. I was so consumed with Ranrok and whatnot that I never got the chance to be a normal student. It hurt me that I didn't know who that was when he seemed to know who I was..despite the fact that he was fairly attractive.

"Merlin, you're clumsy!" Sebastian leaned in closer to me, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"You seemed rather uneasy during Divination Class after your tea reading.." I sheepishly mentioned to Sebastian as we walked over to his spot at the Slytherin table. We often sat at eachothers table when able to.

"It's nothing, V." Sebastian shrugged, scratching his head in the process. I noticed he only ever scratched his head when something was on his mind. I let out a sigh and began to pick at the plate of food in front me, Sebastian had rested his hand on my thigh, looking at me through the corner of his eyes. I lock eyes with his dark brown eyes. Everytime I look at him it is a weakness. He just makes me feel so amazing and a sensation goes through me like I feel butterflies in my stomach.

"What are you looking at?" I shyly giggled at him.

"Just you," He softly says and his grip on my thigh gets tighter. My face turned a solid red color and bit my lip. He chuckles and moves my hair off my shoulder so he can whisper in my ear.

"You know that's my weakness," He softly says. His breath caused the hairs to stand up on my neck. "Keep that up and I'll show just what exactly you do to me."

"You won't" I tease Sebastian, purposely trying to get a reaction out of him. Part of me wanted him too even though there were a ton of people around. The tension was intense and our eyes were locked into one another's.

"Well there are the lovebirds!" Garreth said as he sat down with Poppy. Sebastian snaps out of our intense staring contest and turns his attention to Garreth.

"Found us," Sebastian fakes a chuckle. I think he wanted for us to be alone but I am not going to lie who knows where things would've ended up if they did not show up.

We talked and the boys talked about how they were excited for tomorrow. The two of them walked us back to the Hufflepuff common room. Garreth kisses Poppy on the cheek and says his goodbyes to us.

"Well, you want to stay here tonight instead of my room?" Sebastian asks me.

"You know? I think it is just going to be a girls night," I say to him while putting my arm around Poppy. Sebastian looked taken back by my comment. Poppy saw the facial expression on his face and insisted on going back in the room.

"What was that about?" Sebastian questions me.

"What? We are always together! I thought it would be nice for Poppy to just have me to herself since the guys are having this cool get together tomorrow," I smile. Sebastian looks at me and sighs heavily.

"Fine! I get it! Have fun!" Sebastian replies with a smile and a kiss on my forehead. As soon as I felt his lips pressed on my forehead I felt the sensation I feel everytime he kisses me. He walked away and part of me wanted to say come back I was just kidding but we had a job to do for tomorrow. 

Before the Storm- Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now