Chapter 4 : "Kiss the Cook!"

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sorry that this chapter took so long! I've been busy with school and barely have time to write sometimes. But also, I like to write long chapters. I just hate writing short chapters for you guys since I wanna give you something you guys can read for a long time. But, if you prefer smaller chapters, please let me know!


Another day in the Neighborhood, another day of something new that will happen.

In fact something was happening. I was relaxing with everybody on a hot sunny day. We all were sitting in the grass talking about stuff to do for the week. That's until Barnaby brought up how much of a good cook he was. This caused Howdy and him to go head to head with one another for a bit. Even I admit, I was a bit surprised by Barnaby was bickering with Howdy, everyone was. That was until Barnaby challenged him to a "Cook Off." They both agreed to it, having teams. Barnaby was team one that consisted of Eddie, Sally, and Frank, while Howdy was team two that consisted of Julie, Wally, and me. Of course, I had to be dragged into it seeming that I had no choice. They made Poppy the judge, which she also had to be dragged into.

Poor girl.

Howdy shoved us into the back of his store revealing a huge kitchen. It was pretty crowded with a lot of ovens, pots and pans over the place. "Wow, I never knew it was this crowded in here." I said looking around at all the pans hanging up. I turned my head to fast getting one clean to the middle of my forehead. "Ah!" I grabbed my forehead, crying out at the pain. My forehead already started to sting. Wally and Julie were quick to my side, "Dear! Are you okay?" "N/N! you okay?" Howdy must've heard the accident glancing over to the commotion, "Oh, please be careful you guys. Some pans are lower than others. I hit my head in here all the time!"

He was way to chipper to just bluntly admit something like that. "Seriously." I squinted my eyes at him almost in disbelief, my tone having clear sarcasm. Wally had gotten an ice bag from somewhere, holding it to my forehead. "Don't you think that's quite dangerous Howdy..? Wally asked with a bit of concern in his voice. Howdy raised an eyebrow and finally took in the situation. From my hurt expression, and Wally holding the ice packet to my head. Howdy sighed, "Oh my, I'm so sorry Y/N." Howdy came over to check on my head, "Is it swollen? Do you need any medical assistance?" I smiled waving my head and handing, "i-its fine Howdy, it just hurts is all." Howdy nodded, giving yet again another small sorry.

"Alright, so for this plan to beat Barnaby. I've came up with 3 different dishes!" Howdy guided us over to discuss the format. There were 3 different sweets laid out on the tablet. "So first, we have truffles, second we have brownies, and third, my personal favorite, apple pie!" Me and Julie "oooed" at the ideas leaning over in either side. "Oh that sounds great Howdy!" Julie complimented, clasping her hand together. I looked over at Wally noticing his change of demeanor. He was more tense. I raised an eyebrow and put my hand on his shoulder.

"You okay Hon..? Wally seemed quite taken aback from my nickname, turning red from this.

(fun fact : magnolia always refers to Wally as "Hon" or "Honey")

"'s nothing." I frowned taking my hand off him. I could tell he wasn't telling the truth, but I decided not to pressure him to much on it. "Okay, but if something is wrong, you know you can come to me alright?" I leaned closer to him so only he could hear me. Our closeness made his face flush more, as he just nodded. I stood up giving him one last smile before turning back to Howdy and Julie, who were walking out. "Okay! So whats the plan?" I happily followed behind them as Julie began to explain. Wally looked up watching me walk away. My hair perfectly swinging, my eyes sparkling, my beautiful smile.

"WHATS THAT PUPPET BOY?" Wally Darling x Reader Where stories live. Discover now