Chapter 20 : Discovery

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"Honey, are you awake?"

"..Come in."

The door shifted an few times before opening, in coming Wally with two mugs of coffee with the initials and colors plastered on. I gave an tired smile as he sat beside me  before handing me the warm glass in my hands.

"I made sure to add extra coffee cream this time.. I know how much you hate your coffee bitter."

"Aw, you remembered! You haven't even made coffee in an long time.."

"Of course I remembered.. I could never forget anything about you."

His sweet comment reminded me of the reason why I fell in love with him in the first place. The sweet things he would say, the littlest things he would do, they were so simple but meant so much. I blew the steam before taking an sip from the drink.

The two of us let out contended sighs, sitting there with our coffee. It was silent for an while, debating who was going to strike up conversation first. Wally broke the silence first.

"So.. do you have any plans for today?"

"Hmm.. Well, I was thinking about visiting by the neighborhood and apologizing for what happened yesterday." My eyes stared down at my coffee, fiddling my thumbs together  nervously. The coffee hit my stomach, causing me to have an bad feeling inside. I couldn't help but still feel guilty for what I did.

The second I mentioned the previous events, an switch in Wally clicked. It was if he dissociated and then came back to his senses. He would only clear his throat and let out an airy chuckle, wiping his mouth with his wrist.

"Actually why don't you stay inside today? You seemed to take it hard yesterday.."

"Huh? But what about the others? I don't want them getting upset for me for continuous days just because I didn't say-"

"Oh I'm sure they wouldn't mind the wait, Besides they could use the relaxation too. You don't just wanna jump into apologizes when you still have neighbors that are upset.."

I had to admit he did have an point. Everything that went down yesterday, it was for sure to keep grudges on an few people. I swallowed back an retort and breathed it out to an long sigh. I could use an relaxing day.. it wouldn't hurt to kill.

"I guess your right.. but tomorrow I'm going out to apologize to everyone! I'll probably even make some desserts to hand out!"


Wally nodded, swinging his arms over my waist. My body tenses from his gesture, "Oh!" I watch as he curls up rubbing his cheek aganist my skin. An soft smile curves to my lips while he rests his head on my chest, my hands finding their way to rub the top of his head.

He rolls over onto me, his chin resting in the crease of my chest. He blinks once and then twice, his eyes moving lazily like an frog as they then dilated at the sight of me.

"You're so pretty.." he mumbled into my skin, his cheeks warming an orange tinge. My own cheeks grew warm at his sweet talk, despite my disheveled early morning appearance.

"What should we do today? Maybe cook something in the kitchen? Oh! Or we could go to art room and color!"

"Ah, maybe another time. Hey, how about we get ready and play some music..? It's been an while since we've sung something on that old piano."

"WHATS THAT PUPPET BOY?" Wally Darling x Reader Where stories live. Discover now