Chapter 12 : Welcome Home

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It was the next day after we got the news for the show. Wally was the first one up already, getting ready for the special day with a smile on his face. He's been smiling from ear to ear all day and hasn't dropped it once. But honestly, when has he ever dropped his smile? I just happened to wake up a few minutes after him, getting ready for the day as well.

I made my way downstairs to make us both some coffee. I went to the kitchen and turned on the stove, waiting for it to heat up so I could prepare the coffee. While I waited, I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist from behind and pull me in closer to them. A smile curves onto my lip already knowing who it was.

"Good morning Dear..~" Wally's monotone voice whispers into my ear. I could feel my own cheeks heating up from his breath hitting my ear, and the sound of his voice. "Wally.." my voice spoke in an warning tone for him to tone down his flirting. He was quick to catch on that I could see through his charm, chuckling to himself.

"Sorry Honey, I'm just so excited to head to the studio today, aren't you?" His arms loosen from my waist, letting me get out our coffee mugs from the cabinets. I grabbed the matching mugs with our initials on the front, pouring the coffee into the cup. "Yes sweetie, I'm really excited as well." I smile as I placed both the mugs aside, turning off the kettle. "Cream?" I ask mixing the coffee with a spoon, pouring some cream into my own cup.

Wally nods in reply as I pour some cream as well into his coffee. "Thank you Darling." He bends down with a caring smile, placing a soft kiss on the tip of my nose. I close my eyes and hum in response to his lips, letting my lips form a warm smile and blush. "C'mon, let's drink up and wait for the others to get ready and then, we can head to the studio." I hold out my hand for him to take, leading him over to the couch for us to sit down and drink our coffee.

TW : a little bit of fluff

A couple minutes passed, finishing up our cups of coffee. Wally's arm was around my shoulder, having me cuddled into his chest watching the cartoon on the television. Wally's eyes took a glance down at me, his lips forming an smirk on his face. That's when my attention was suddenly drawn to Wally, who began to plant kisses on my cheek. A giggle escaped my lips, resting a hand on the side of his cheek.

"Wally, stop it!" I snicker, covering my mouth with my hand whilst he kept showering more kisses on my face. My laugh only gave him the idea to keep going, hearing him let out an mischievous chuckle of his own as he continued to press on.

I laughed even more once he climbed on top of me, causing the blankets to go flying off of us and onto the floor. My laughter echoed throughout the laugh as his lips wondered down my jaw and neck, giggling still underneath his breath. I opened my eyes, watching as his eyes were glued to mines keeping his lips on my skin with his half-lidded stare. He gave a small wink with his eyes.


A voice interrupted us, causing both our hands to fly up from over the couch, seeing the sight of Barnaby standing there with Julie and Frank. Frank's arms were crossed over his chest avoiding looking at us, from how embarrassed and red his face was. Julie on the other hand was enjoying the view, covering her mouth that was letting out a few giggles, while Barnaby stood in front of the 2 with his arms crossed as well.

"Is this a bad time? Should we give you two a couple more minutes to get yourselves... situated?" Barnaby grinned at his sly remark, earning a laugh from Julie and a huff from Frank who's face was only turning more red by the second. A gasp escaped my lips, my face just as red as Wally's, who looked annoyed that our moment was ruined. I cleared my throat standing up from the couch trying to calm down my awful embarrassment.

"WHATS THAT PUPPET BOY?" Wally Darling x Reader Where stories live. Discover now