Chapter 18 : "That Girl is Mine."

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A/N : Been an while but I finally managed to finish the chapter! Also, it might seem a bit quick cause of how bad my motivation was these few months. Just bare with me for the Coryxkenshin I pulled on you guys.

The only reason I was able to get this out was because I was gonna be sued by one of my fellow readers and friends 😭

PS. Reader will be more clumsy this chapter because this chapter is an important jump to the main plot of everything, especially for the lore and Wally

Also, 11'603 words.


December 13th, 1969

"Hahaha! Oh just wonderful-Oh, you sound like you have a lot going on in that neighborhood.. That uh.."

"Welcome Home!"

"Yes Yes, oh that beautiful world of Welcome Home! Oh, since the shows really taken off Wally.. i'd say uh, your quite the popular character now."

"I am..?"

"You are."

"I am!"

This earned laughter from the crowd of audience, having both the interviewer and Wally laughing together aswell.

"Oh yes, and your quite the little charmer too from what I've heard.."

"You're not so bad yourself."

"Oh hoho! Well thank you, hey that's exactly it! Is that why they call you Wally Darling..?"

"They call me Wally Darling because.. that's my name."

The little puppet replied in an innocent tone at his question - some more laughter from the crowd, including the interviewer snicker at his naiveness

"Oh that's true, that's true.. Y'know, your very beloved by a lot of different people now.. Do you find yourself in any sort of romances lately..? Hm?"


"Yes..! A.. Love life? Being so popular and all."

"Oh.. I don't know, I love everyone! But not as much as I love my wife.. She's really a bigger charmer than I am.."

"Oh really? Say, why don't you tell us more about her, Hm?"

Wally cups his hands together in his lap, kicking his feet off the edge of the couch as he gushes on about his wife-an faint orange warming on his cheek.

"Yes.. she's very beautiful and pretty.. she takes good care of me too! She has pretty eyes and I really love her a lot.."

"Haha, well I have to say it does sound like she is an catch! What is her name again..?"

"Y/N.. Y/N Darling.."

"Speaking of.. We actually happen to have an special guest with us! She's small, but she's got an voice of angels and an smile just as sweet as pie! Everyone give it up for Y/N Darling!"

Out came Y/N who was dressed up in an strapless sparkly dress and red heels. She looked absolutely stunning to everybody as they cheered and whistled at the sight of her. She went over to the couch where her husband's was seated, already seeing him staring at her like an happy puppy.

He reaches an hand out to her which she gladly took into hers, assisting her into the couch with him. The two of them were holding hands as she rested their hands atop of her thigh.

"Hello Rick! How are you doing?"

"Good Good, and must I say you look absolutely splendid my dear, stunning."

"WHATS THAT PUPPET BOY?" Wally Darling x Reader Where stories live. Discover now