Chapter 9 : "I love you"

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ITS THE OFFICIAL CHAPTER!! this chapter was originally named "first date" and it's a comic. but I changed the name of it cause cmon, it's a cute callback to chapter 8

yet again sorry it took so long to come out. you guys don't understand how much I lost motivation so fast, and Ive been so busy with drawing and my attention span is so TRASH


"So Barnaby, how do I look?" Wally was standing in front of his big mirror, adjusting his red tux. He wanted to look perfect just for a special night like this. He could feel the smile on his face turning even brighter at the sight of Barnaby's approval from behind him, who also gave him a thumbs up.

"Looking good buddy! You'll for sure have her tripping over her own heels all night." Wally's smile lit up at his words feeling his cheeks turn a shade of red at the thought of Y/N, and how she would act. He had to admit he was still a bit nervous about the date, since it was his first time going out with someone. He didn't know how it would turn out, he was scared of doing something wrong.

What if she didn't like the food? What if she didn't like the way he was dressed? Was he dressed to formal? All these thoughts started to cloud the poor puppets mind being surrounded by a strange darkness. He managed to snap out this dark trance he was feeling the moment Barnaby's big paw was placed on his shoulder. "Hey, don't stress it kiddo. Remember, she's just as nervous as you." He gave his shoulder a small squeeze to calm him down some more. Wally needed to hear this and calmed down a small bit listening to his best friend reassure him. He was glad to have a nice friend like Barnaby, especially during a time like this.

"Thanks Barn, your a great friend." He spoke with his tired voice giving Barnaby a pat on his paw. Barnaby smiled down at him giving a small nod of thanks. The two headed on downstairs to the living room preparing for some extra touch ups. Wally's rotary went off, the phone jumping off the stand every ring. "I'll get it!" Barnaby called out rushing over to the phone. He picked it up giving a small "hello?" with a hand on his hip.

Wally stood there watching his expression change from a smile to a full on ear to ear grin. "Really? She's is? That's great, I'll tell him now!" Barnaby hung up the phone and looked over at Wally with a smile excited smile. "That was Julie, she said N/N's ready!" Immediately Wally felt him go back to faze one of panic hearing him bring Y/N up again. Barnaby took notice of this and sighed giving him a pat on his back. "You'll be fine Wally, trust me." Yet again, all in thanks to Barnaby's hypeman words, Wally looked up from the ground fixing his composure. He gave a small sigh and grew a determined look on his.

"Alright. I'm ready."

Wally took his car by Julie's, where Y/N was at. He stepped out in his tux and made his way up to the house, seeing both of them standing there. "Hi Wally!" Julie waves excitedly with her arm, catching his attention. He put his arm up ready to wave back at her with a smile. "Hi Julie, have you seen.." his eyes took a glance to Julie's right, now noticing Y/N who was standing next to her. She was dressed in a beautiful off-shoulder brown dress that had a heart cut in the middle of her stomach, with some black heels.

 She was dressed in a beautiful off-shoulder brown dress that had a heart cut in the middle of her stomach, with some black heels

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"WHATS THAT PUPPET BOY?" Wally Darling x Reader Where stories live. Discover now