Chapter 8 : "I like you"

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A/N : been a while since I've been busy with school, and I tend to lose motivation when writing chapters BUTTT, this is quite rushed and short but that's cause I wanna get to the main story line soooo

bum bum bum BUUUM! chapter 8!


Ever since the events of Me and Wally under the rain a couple of weeks ago, me and him have been more physical and affectionate with each other.

It all started with me one day asking him to help me with something. He took his time off painting and helped me with my situation. To thank him, I kindly gave him a small kiss on the cheek. After that, it's been a back and forth thing with us. We would give each other small kisses in affectionate ways, whether it's ok the forehead, nose or cheek. The first few days, it always made us so flustered but now, were just used to it.

However, lately my heart's been craving something else. I was always so hesitant to give him an actual kiss. I mean, there was  probably once or twice we tried to kiss. But, it was always interrupted by the  inconvenience of something or someone.

I was sitting with Julie in the grass while Frank was hunting for butterflies. Julie could tell from my quiet sulking that something was wrong. She scooted closer to me, leaning herself closer to my frowned face. "What's with the face?" She asked as her eyebrows curved upwards in an worried and sad look. I would glance up at her and let out a sad sigh, holding my knees closer to my chest. I was messing with a random stick I found, drawing random sketches with it.

"It's been weeks and still we haven't kissed." Julie's worried face turned into a frown seeing and hearing how bothered I was. I knew she was equally as upset than I was as well, since I happened to tell her about that night. She was squealing and fangirling her head off, setting up snacks, blankets, and everything down just for me to explain what happened. She even planned a calendar marked for when we would have our first kiss. It was a bit random at first, even concerning me to a certain extent however, knowing Julie and how she's always a bit over-hyper, I just shrugged it off.

Frank happened to step away from his butterfly catching looking down at us both sulking on the ground. He scoffed at how dramatically we were acting, giving a roll of his eyes. "Oh come on you two, this better not be about that stupid Wally situation." His unibrow furrowed as he placed a hand on his hip. Me and Julie both looked at him with a small frown, giving him all the confirmation that he needed. "I knew it." his tone was nonchalant and unimpressed, as  rolling his eyes again.

"Hey Frank, no need to be such a grump! N/N is having a breakdown!" Julie gestured her hands over to me, ridiculing Frank for his ruthless behavior. I couldn't help but look away from the two only feeling my cheeks turn a darker shade of red at the mention of the situation being brought up again. I leaned up on my hands letting out a frustrated huff.

"I'm not having a breakdown!" I pushed Julie's hands away furrowing my eyebrows at both of them. Frank shook his head watching his frown growing more at the stage of my denial.

"Your in clear denial Toots, why can't you just accept the fact you like him and get it over with?" Frank raised an curious brow.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him, giving an annoyed look. "It's not that easy Frank." I spoke sarcastically, earning a small click of his tongue. Julie took my side of the argument as she placed her hand on my shoulder. "Besides, you haven't even asked "sexy mailman" man, out yet! So don't get on others relationships!"

Frank let out a loud and shocked gasp at Julie's true but harsh words. He put a hand on his chest, being felt speechless. "Well...i.." he couldn't find any words to say, this only made him grow more irritated. The only thing he was able to muster up was a "shut up!" with a huge red embarrassed blush on his cheeks. Julie turned her attention to me giving a reassuring pat and smile. "Don't worry N/N, just tell him with your ready. No pressure in it." Her soothing yet high pitched voice made it all the better. She spoke truly sincerely with her words so that's possibly why I believed half of it.

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