Chapter 1: How did it all happen? Part 1/2

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In the city, Y/n, Jonathan, Jolyne, Joseph, Josuke, Jotaro, and Giorno are walking in the store while collecting some groceries "Hey little butterfly, can we help you get some groceries and we'll go to the restaurant after grocery shopping??" Jolyne said with a smile on her face, but you deeply declined her question "No Jolyne, I made a promise to Polnareff and Weather Report to go out with me tonight and I don't want any of you ruined it like last week at night." You said with a concern look on your face. "Come babe---" Joseph's sentence was cutted by You "Joseph Joestar, for the 190th time, I'm not your babe!!!" You said while glaring at Joseph and almost yelling at him "My beloved, calm down." Jonathan said with a calming expression. "Ugh, why do they have to come here..." You said with disgusted expression before closing her eyes of her flashback

*few weeks ago, Y/n's flashback*

'I am famous superstar, not only that but I am mostly rich with my mother and father, until one day I was about to do something, I felt a little bit anxious and passed out of unconscious, but a few minutes later I felt some strange hands were touching my head, I woke up and see unknown people who are talking about something, I look to the right side of me and spotted blue haired male getting closer to me, I tried to push him away from me, but I heard him talking to me.' "I'm so sorry my beloved, I need to make sure that you are okay, my name is Jonathan, Jonathan Joestar and these are my siblings with my friends." "Why are you all in my house, I don't allow anyone who are in my house without any proof." "Awww babe, there's nothing to worry about it, I'm Joseph Joestar, but you can call me the man in your dreams." 'I tried to tell them to leave, but they disagree with me and started to stay with me, now I have to become an empty and be around them.'

[To be continued]

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