Jjba Christmas season au Part 1/5

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It is winter temperature outside, everyone in Christmas season is in a rush for Christmas Day, everyone loves celebrating Christmas within Jesus's birthday (I guess) and they are getting ready for a holiday party that night.

"I don't want a life for Christmas, there is just one thing I need, I don't need the presents underneath the Christmas tree, I don't need my stocking with upon the fire place." You said while singing 'All I want for christmas is you' Song, you are decorating your home and your christmas tree of Christmas decorations, you are excited for Christmas Day, and excited for the Christmas party tonight, but not only that but you also have an baby girl who is adopted by you, her new daughter's name is Haruka L/n.

"Hahh, I can't for the Christmas party tonight with my daughter, and I hope everything is going to be perfect." You said while looking at the Christmas tree that is filled with Christmas decorations, your daughter, Haruka L/n, is 10 years old, she is wearing her Christmas reindeer onesie, walks to you while smiling proudly. "Hey mama, can we go to McDonald's after the Christmas party, please??" Haruka asked while looking at you with puppy dog look. "Sure thing, but I want you to be on your best behavior in the Christmas party tonight, alright Haruka??" You said while looking at your daughter, Haruka nodded with respect. "Yes mama." Haruka smiled.

To be continued...

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