Chapter 4: An Vacation or an Anniversary Part 1/4

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After the car crash incident, You started to have an break for 2 months, so you decide that you & your daughter should go to Florida for a mother & daughter adventure in Florida, but before you can go to pack your & your daughter's luggages, you heard an knock on the front door.

You walked to the front door, opened the door, and see Jonathan joestar and Robert Speedwagon standing in front of you at your front door entrance.

"Hello there mate, me and Jonathan are wondering if we can come with you and your child to Florida." Speedwagon said while looking at you.

"Oh that would be an amazing adventure to see in Flor--" Jonathan's sentence was cutted by You stopping him saying it.

"No, sorry Speedwagon & Jonathan, but I'm going to Florida with my daughter, Haruka, & you two aren't invited, & that's final." You said while looking at Jonathan and Robert before you slammed the door shut without letting them saying an single word.

"Mommy, who is at the front door??" Haruka asked while walking to you and looking at you.

"It's just some outsiders, no need to worry about it, and also we're going to Florida for a mother and daughter adventure." You said while looking at your daughter with a calm smile.

Haruka L/n felt very excited that she wants to go to Florida and wanted to see
Disney World.

"I packed up our luggages for you while you are talking to the outsiders." Haruka said while You smiled at her with an proud face.

"Alright then, We'll go to Disney World on the airport for tomorrow." You said while grabbing your phone and booked an airport to Florida of Disney World for you and your daughter, after you succeed of booking the airport to Florida of Disney, you and Haruka quickly eat your dinner meal, you both brush your teeth and went to bed.

The next day, you and Haruka quickly get dressed, ate early breakfast, brush your teeth, brush your hair, you both put your toothbrushes, toothpaste, and hair brushes in a zip lock bag and in your luggages, you both walked out of the house, Haruka is holding her Tablet electronic, her Tablet's charger, her stuffed bunny, and her warm fluffy blanket while walking into the car, you put your and Haruka's luggages in the back seats, closed the back seat doors, you walked to the front driver's door, opened it slowly, climbed into the driver's seat, close the driver's door after you went into the driver's seat, you looked at your daughter, who is sitting in the front passenger seat, Haruka is buckled up in her seat belt, and is playing on her tablet, you looked back at the stirring wheel of your car, you buckled up in your seat belt and started driving back from your driveway and started driving to airport.

To be continued......

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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