Chapter 3: The car crashed accident Part 2/2

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You are driving your car to the grocery store, you are start scheduling the Disney World vacation in June 17th and scheduling of hiring an new co-worker for your company business building in September 29th, after you quickly grocery shopping, you are driving your car to your home, but what you didn't know is that an drunk truck driver drives to you and *CRASH!!!!!!* both your car and the drunk truck driver's truck got hit in the front hoods, but you are bleeding out of a few before you passed out of unconscious.

Few minutes later, you are in the hospital, you have no wounds on your hands, but you are still alive.

"Ugh, what happened to me???" You said while waking up and looking around the hospital bedroom.

"You got hit during in the car crash accident, the ambulance came to save you from death, and good thing is that the groceries are safe, and you are still alive." Polnareff said while looking at you.

You looked at Polnareff in confusion and asked. "Polnareff, what are you doing here in the hospital and how did you know about the accident????"

"Well Y/n, I was driving in rich car to the store, but when I seen you driving from the grocery store, I spotted an drunk truck driver driving his truck and that's when I have seen the car crash, I decided to call the ambulance, and here we are in the hospital." Polnareff said while looking at you with a polite manner.

"Does my car need to be fixed, Polnareff???" You asked.

"No, someone fixed your car, the doctors said that your wounds are now gone and healed, you may finally drive yourself back home, but I am going to drive behind you to make sure you are safe from danger." Polnareff said while petting your head gently.

After leaving the hospital, you drive yourself to your home, you and your daughter are having McDonald's for dinner with Shawn and Sierra, at night, you and your daughter are asleep, and you decided to forget about the car crash accident.

The end.

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