2. Promises

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I watch out of the corner of my eye as Angel pulls out his phone and calls who I presume to be Valentino. My theory is proven correct when Angel explains he can't work and is met by yelling. I don't understand why but something about hearing Angel being yelled at caused me to take the phone away from him and promptly tell Valentino that Angel couldn't work. Hanging up while he continued his yelling on the other end.

"HEY! Val's going to kill me when I get back for letting you speak to him like that!" Angel yells. It's only then that I realized what I had done but I couldn't do anything about it now. "Apologies my dear but I have some work I have to get done now so please remain silent."

I head over to my desk and start working on paper work while Angel is behind me probably on his phone. That is until I head a thud from behind me followed by a loud groan. I turn to see Angel on the floor, trying to pull himself back up by grabbing onto the blankets but instead falling flat on his back.

Angel dust

Being left with nothing to do since Alastor is busy doing whatever paper work Charlie gave him. I realized I had to use the bathroom but not wanting to disrupt Alastor I decide to try and make it to the bathroom myself but I was extremely unsteady and fell flat on my face on my first attempt. I could feel a wave of pain going through my body but kept my screams in so I wouldn't distract Alastor. Grabbing onto the blankets in an attempt to get up only got me a face full of blankets and falling on my back.

I say laying there for about 30 seconds before someone, probably Alastor takes the blanket off. Next thing I know I'm faced with the radio demon staring down at me. "You know you can ask for my assistance if you need it." I stare up at him blankly. The radio demon offering me help. If I didn't know any better I'd think he actually cared about me. "I didn't want to disturb you." he puts one of my arms around his shoulder and started helping me up.

"Next time just ask. I have no problem stopping my work to assist you in something as simple as going to the bathroom. " he says while slowly helping me reach the bathroom. Being mindful of my cuts and bruises. "Ok thanks I guess. "


"Yes well I've almost finished the last bit of my work so I'll have the next few days off. I'll be able to keep a close eye on you until you get better. " I open the bathroom door for him. I watch as he balances himself against the marble counter. "Thanks for doing this for me. I really appreciate it. " he says with a soft smile. And for a brief second I see him. My Anthony. I quickly snap out of it with a shake of my head. "No thanks needed. Just helping a friend out. " he promptly closes the bathroom door and I walk back over to my desk to finish my paperwork.

I've just finished my paper work by the time Angel steps out of the bathroom. "Do you need any help reaching the bed? " he nods his head yes as I promptly walk over and put one of his arms around my shoulder. "You know I would like to discuss how you ended up in this unfortunate state. " he suddenly stops in his tracks which surprises me a little. "I'm sorry have I said somethinf that upset you? "

"It's fine Alastor. It's just hard for me to talk to anybody about this." Angel then starts walking again as I help guide him to the bed. "Yes well you should know that you can tell me anything and I won't tell a soul. " Angel sits on the edge of the bed as I notice a rather disturbed look on his face. I sit next to him. Making sure to keep a distance as to not make him uncomfortable.

Angel dust

"Some clients told Val I wasn't excited enough. So as punishment he gave me all my worst clients for the rest of the day. " Alastor just stared back at me with a worried expression. "And what about the scars on your arms and legs. Were those from clients too? " I tense up and I think that was enough for Alastor to understand what was going on.

I suddenly feel myself being pulled into a tight embrace as I start violently sobbing. Alastor doesn't say anything he just holds me as I continue crying. We stay like that for a while and while I know it's only for a few minutes few minutes it feels like hours had passed by.


I hold Angel as he continues crying. I know he needs this right now so I let him continue to cry until he eventually pulls away. Something about him pulling away upset me but I wasn't going to let him know that. Right now was about him and whatever it is he is going through to do this to himself.

Not knowing what to do as Angel starts to calm down I just sit there in silence. Once he's done I turn to him. "Promise me that should you ever feel the need to do this to yourself again. You'll let me know so I can try and help you." He continues sniffing and silently nods his head. "I promise. "

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