16. Mother

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"I believe you should go back one last time and find peace." Rosies words ring in my head as I'm walking through the same dense woods I was in only two weeks ago. "Go grieve the loss of the love of your life and move on." I repeat those words out loud, over and over.

Leafs crunching beneath my feet, crickets chirping, same dark gloomy night as the night I died. The day I was taken from my one true love. "Don't get back too late, I love you." was the last thing Angel said to me as I went into the portal holding that thing he calls fat nuggets in his lower set of arms.

Almost at my grave my thoughts are interrupted by the sound of quiet sobs, a woman more specifcally. I approach with caution, careful not to make too much noise. Suddenly I trip over a tree root, letting out a scream, alerting whoever is out there that they're not alone.

I quickly grab the knife I have on me at all times, getting up quickly and running out of the trees I stop in my tracks. The figure is clearly a woman, sat in front of mine and Anthonys grave, a bouquet of flowers next to each grave.

She turns to look at me, tears fill my eyes as I drop my knife, standing completely frozen in place. A woman, dark brown skin, black hair with some grey in it, golden brown eyes, a long purple dress with white lace and large white feathery wings.

Snapping out of my frozen state I immediately running towards her, getting on my knees next to her and hugging her tightly. "Mother!" I sob, tears finally leaving my eyes and running down my cheeks.

"Hey baby, you've gotten so big! How long its been? Ninety years?" She teases pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Ninety one!" I sob. "One year difference, oh who cares. I'm just so pround of you sweetie."

"I've sinned mother, I'm in the fiery pits of hell living out eternal punishment!" I sob into her neck, grabbing fistfuls of her dress, my claws poking small holes into the fabric.

"That doesn't mean I'm not still proud of you, I'll always be proud of you and I'm lucky to have you as my son." Running her fingers through my hair and moving my bangs from my face.

"So you're the big bad radio demon hm? Hows that podcast going?"  She asks while wiping the tears from her eyes. "The podcast is going absolutely swell, though I must ask. Is Anthony in heaven?"

My heart longs for answers, even if he is in heaven I'll be at peace, knowing I couldn't have passed by him on the streets without knowledge. "No sweetie he isn't in heaven, and he certinly isn't alive either. I was watching on with his mother as he died, that poor boy."

My eyes widen in shock, so he is in hell with me. He could have looked for me, but what if he didn't, what if he moved on or worse got killed during one of the exterminations. Imaginating him alone on the streets, an exterminator above him.

"Albert honey don't tell me you've been alone down there all this time." She says sternly, frowning and looking into my eyes. "No mother I have some..I guess you could call them friends. However as of six months ago I have a boyfriend aswell."

"Oh thank god, also boyfriend? He's handsome isn't he?" She teases, punching my shoulder lightly. "Yes he is indeed very handsome mother." I laugh, pulling out a picture of him I have kept in my breast pocket and hand it to her.

She looks at it for a few seconds, bringing it close to her face. "Oh he looks like an absolute sweetheart Albert." She coos. "Yes hes truly the light of my afterlife, although my heart longs for Anthony."

"Well..I can't blame you, he was a sweet boy." She laughs, looking at his grave. "I was going to ask him to marry me, his dad killed me for asking." I murmur, tears stinging my eyes.

"Yes, I watched as Anthony cried, holding your lifeless body, he never did move on." My eyes widen in shock, when I died I knew he was going to be left completely alone with his father and brother. Does that mean he was alone with them for fourteen years.

The very thought disturbs me, bringing tears to my eyes. Knowing that they most likely would have worsened their abuse. He wouldn't have had anyone there to bandage his wounds, nobody to sing him back to sleep after his repeated nightmares.

My thought are interrupted when my mom speaks up again. "Albert sweetie I have to go now, its getting quite late." Tears stream down my cheeks as I come to the harsh realization that I can't stay with my mother here forever.

"Aw baby come here." She opens her arms out wide, inviting me in for a hug. I gladly accept, crying into her neck. "Don't worry baby, this isn't goodbye forever, if you ever want to see me you know where to find me" She laughs kissing my forehead.


I'm like a fucking legand getting chapters out this fast haha. Been having so much free time writing is the only thing I can think to do. Next chapter probably friday, summer school and all I'm trying to get myself on a schedule. Love ya <3

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